Dog attack reported at Edmonds off-leash dog beach

If you plan on taking your dog to the Edmonds dog beach, be on the look out for a heavily tattooed man in his late 20s or early 30s (reported to be about 5’8″ and 200 pounds) and a female also in the same age range (described as 5’6″ and 190 pounds) with two pit bulls that attacked another dog at the beach Wednesday.

The attack, which was reported to Edmonds Animal Control and the Off-Leash Area-Edmonds group, is very similar to two attacks at Seattle’s Magnuson Park off-leash area in late September and early October, in which a dog was reportedly killed and two others injured.

The woman making the report said she was at the Edmonds dog beach with her sister and her two dogs at about 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 7, when her 75-pound German Shepherd mix “was attacked three times by two pit bulls matching the description of those who recently killed and severely injured a dog at Magnuson Park.”

The attacking dogs were described as a red pit bull, approximately 60 pounds, and a black Staffordshire terrier, weighing about 40 pounds. The dog being attacked apparently wasn’t injured (the owner tried pulling the attacking dogs off her dog and was finally assisted by the tattooed man). However, according to an email received by My Edmonds News, the man’s companion — who identified herself as the owner of the pit bulls — was verbally abusive and screamed obscenities at the owner of the dog who was attacked, after she told them they should be watching out for their dogs’ aggressive behavior.

The victim was able to get the license plate of the couple with the attacking dogs, and shared that with Edmonds Animal Control. If you see anyone matching the description of this couple and their dogs, call 911.

Thanks to Dustin, editor of the MLT News, for alerting us to this report.

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