City Council agenda includes report on ferry reservation study

Learn more about a possible reservation system for Washington State Ferries, including the Edmonds-Kingston run, when David Moseley, assistant director of the Washington State Ferries, makes a report to the Edmonds City Council Tuesday night, Dec. 1. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 5th Ave. N.

The ferries’ “pre-design” study, which was ordered by the Washington State Legislature during the 2009 session, is one of several items on the Council’s meaty agenda Tuesday night. Moseley has appeared in several communities served by the ferry system in recent weeks, including Kingston and Clinton, where the reservation plan has been met with skepticism from ferry commuters.

Other items on Tuesday’s council agenda include:

– A public hearing on a proposal to update the City’s Capital Facilities Plan to include improvements to City infrastructure — including transportation, parks, storm water, sewer and water systems — from 2010-2015.

– A report from City Attorney Scott Snyder regarding a subdivision, alley way vacation and enforcement action involving two Edmonds residents — Eric Thuesen and Ken Reidy — that has been the subject of an ongoing property dispute.

-A public hearing on a proposed rezone of a portion of 215th Street Southwest from multiple residential to single-family residential.

Annual reports from the City’s prosecutor, hearing examiner and attorney.

To review the agenda, visit the City Council website.

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