The title — a public hearing on the Capital Facilities Plan Element Update for 2010-2015 –Â is enough to scare the most hearty citizen away from Tuesday night’s Edmonds City Council meeting.
Simply put, the state’s Growth Management Act requires the city to update its capital facilities plan to accommodate population growth. The hearing is actually a continuation of one that the council started on Dec. 1, but agreed to extend to Dec. 15 to give both council members and the public additional time to review information prepared by city staff.
Contained in the plan, available on the council’s website, is an inventory of various elements of the City’s transportation, parks, water, sewer and stormwater systems. The plan also includes a forecast of future needs and the proposed locations and capacities of expanded or new capital facilities.
The City Attorney is recommending that the Council approve the plan update to make it consistent with changes the Council made in two previous updates: to the Parks Comprehensive Plan in December 2008 and the Transportation Plan Element in October 2009.
Other highlights of Tuesday night’s agenda include:
-Consideration of an interim zoning ordinance regarding temporary homeless shelters or encampments in Edmonds.
-A resolution and reception to honor outgoing Councilmember Ron Wambolt,
You can review the entire agenda here. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 5th Ave. N.
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