‘Ask Your Legislator’ forum Monday night

Washington State legislators representing the 1st, 21st, and 32nd State Legislative Districts will participate in an “Ask Your Legislator” Forum beginning at 7 p.m. Monday, May 17.

Four of the nine elected officials from these three districts have committed to attend. The forum begins at 7 p.m. in the Edmonds School District Board room located in the Educational Services Center, 20420 68th Ave. W., Lynnwood.

Attending are: 1st District Legislators Senator Rosemary McAuliffe; 21st District Representative Mary Helen Roberts; and 32nd District Representatives Maralyn Chase and Ruth Kagi.

“This is a great opportunity for citizens to ask their questions, face to face, with those who affect us and our children’s lives so directly,” said Ken Bogle, legislative representative for the Edmonds PTSA Council and lead organizer of the forum. “It will be a live ‘civics lesson’ with our political representatives, and a chance to ask them about school funding, their intentions and motives.”

The Edmonds PTSA Council represents 19 of the Edmonds School District schools. The other 14 schools also have parent organizations, together serving a total of 20,000 students.

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