New mayor makes surprise visit to Edmonds Chamber luncheon

His name wasn’t on the program, but Edmonds’ new mayor dropped by the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce luncheon Thursday to spend a few minutes sharing his economic priorities with the city’s business community.

Mike Cooper, who will officially be sworn in as mayor Friday, told the chamber group that he is committed to improving the business climate by exploring a variety of ideas for bringing visitors to the city. (Two possibilities he mentioned were ecotourism and a 3-on-3 basketball tournament.)

A top priority for Cooper? “To get staff, council and the mayor working together again,” he said. “We’ve got a lot of work to do. We’ve got a tough budget to pass.”

He listed three steps he plans to take for solving the city’s budget woes: Being efficient with resources, including finding places to cut non-essential services; finding new revenue through levies or bond issues; and “working with the business community to bring jobs to Edmonds.”

  1. Cue the theme from “Rocky”…. and start scrolling through a montage of all of the little scenes of progress around our City. We’ve got our work cut out for us, that’s for sure.

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