Eight candidates, including four former Edmonds City Councilmembers and a current Snohomish County Councilmember, have applied for the position of Mayor of the City of Edmonds.
The list includes former City Councilmembers Richard Marin, Ron Wambolt, Roger Hertrich and Dick Van Hollebeke, Edmonds business owner Frank Yamamoto, and Snohomish County Councilmember and former state legislator Mike Cooper. The remaining two candidates are Edmonds residents Todd Clayton and Michael Pederson.
All city council will interview all eight candidates starting at 6 p.m. next Tuesday, June 13. According to City Clerk Sandy Chase, the exact interview schedule should be posted by the end of the day Friday. The council will select the new mayor during its July 20 council meeting.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all the applicants would post publicly their resumes and reasons they are applying for the position. The voters should know something about their potential leadership.
I believed that happened with the council candidates, and I don’t see why it wouldn’t happen here…I’m sure they are planning on doing that. Let me know if I am wrong.
TYes, all were published here on myedmondsnews.com
I am sure theu will be again if they are released by the City.
I will have a link to all applications as soon as I receive them from the City Clerk. I also invite all candidates to send me their vision statement for being mayor of Edmonds and I will publish those as well.
The best way to assess the candidates is to attend the interviews next Tuesday, or watch the tape Wednesday on CH21 – CH 39 on Verizon.
And after making your assessment of the candidates, be sure to make your views known to all 7 council members.