Edmonds City Council to tackle budget issues this week

The city budget is the focus of the Edmonds City Council this week, with meetings both Monday morning and early Tuesday evening.

First, the Council Finance Committee will meet at 11 a.m. on Monday to discuss the 2009-10 mid-year budget adjustment, and will also take public comment. This item was originally on the Aug. 24 regular council meeting agenda, but councilmembers requested clarification from staff on some of the budget numbers. The meeting will be at City Hall, 121 5th Ave. N., in the Fourtner Meeting Room.

Second, the City City Council will hold a budget workshop starting at 5;30 p.m. Tuesday in the Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 5th Ave. N. The agenda includes an overview of city revenues and expenditures by the city finance director, city department presentations, and time for mayor and council comments.

And remember that if you have ideas on the 2011 budget, Mayor Mike Cooper has established an email address for residents of Edmonds to share funding priorities and suggestions. Emails are limited to one page and must contain resident’s name and address. Submissions can be sent to BudgetSuggestions@ci.edmonds.wa.us.

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