Edmonds police officers will be ‘in the pink’ next weekend

Those in pink, from left, Officer Paulson, Staff Assistant Scheele, Police Chief Compaan, Senior Animal Control Officer Dawson, Staff Assistant Broman, Staff Assistant Collins, Police Department Executive Assistant Thompson, Staff Assistant Diehl, Executive Assistant Cole (Mayor's Office), Sgt. Barker. (Photo by ambersalinasphoto.com)

You’ll notice something a little different about Edmonds’ finest as they go about their jobs next weekend – they’ll be wearing pink. Well, not all pink, of course — they are replacing the standard-issue white T-shirts evident under their uniforms with pink ones.

The temporary uniform change for Sept. 24-26  is for a good cause —  to support fellow Edmonds police officer Brad Paulson, who is walking in the Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure, a 60-mile route from Redmond to Seattle aimed at raising money for breast cancer research.

This is the second year that Paulson has done the walk, and he said his reason for participating is simple: ” I’ve got a mom, I’ve got a sister. I work with many women dispatchers and clerks. Any one of them could get breast cancer.”

Although he is a long-distance bike rider and does half marathons, Paulson said he was advised that long-distance walking did indeed require training. So he joined a 3 Day for a Cure group, known as the Kindred Spirits, so he could complete “training walks” aimed at preparing him for the specific physical demands of the event.

Meanwhile, Edmonds Senior Animal Control Officer Debbie Dawson came up with the idea of providing T-shirts to all those who made a donation to Paulson’s efforts. The shirt has the Edmonds Police Department logo on the front; on the back is a logo of handcuffs entwined with a pink ribbon and the words “Cops Bustin’ For a Cure.”

Then, Dawson approached Edmonds Police Chief Al Compaan and requested that he authorize department members to wear the shirts under their uniforms for the entire weekend. The chief not only said yes, but Compaan himself will also will be wearing the shirt, as will Edmonds Mayor Mike Cooper.

As for Paulson, the 22-year veteran of the Edmonds force has reached his required minimum fundraising goal of $2,300, but said he is happy to accept additional donations. To contribute, visit www.the3day.org, click on “Donate” and then “Search for Participant”, then enter “Brad Paulson” and press “Click to Donate to Bradley in 2010”.

And Paulson also encourages anyone who is interested to attend the 3 Day’s closing ceremonies, to be held from 4-4:30 p.m on Sept. 26 at the Seattle Center. “It’s a very life-changing event,” Paulson said. “Just the outpouring of love and support you get from it.

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