Energy savings for business, home topic of Edmonds Chamber lunch

Edmonds business owners and residents who want to save energy on their home energy bills are invited to the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. this Thursday, Sept. 23, to learn more about SustainableWorks.

A nonprofit organization, SustainableWorks has partnered with the cities of Edmonds and Lynnwood and Sustainable Edmonds to bring reduced-cost energy audits and incentives for energy-saving improvements to Edmonds and Lynnwood residents and businesses. Those attending the lunch can learn how the program works and if they qualify for a reduced-cost energy audit

Speakers include Kellie Stickney, SustainableWorks outreach and marketing manager, and Todd Cloutier, who sits on the Sustainable Edmonds Board of Directors.

The meeting will be at the new Edmonds Yacht Club, 326 Admiralty Way. Reservations can be made online or by calling 425-332-7114.  The chamber requests that you reserve by Monday, Sept. 20, to provide the caterer with an accurate head count. Reservations are $17.50 for chamber members and $20 for non-members. Walk-in cost on the day of the luncheon is $20 for all.

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