Jim Kenny launched his general election campaign for Snohomish County Prosecutor in Edmonds on Thursday night. Kenny, who is running against incumbent Mark Roe, said he is campaigning to clean up County government, provide transparency, and to be what he calls “smart on crime, that is, using limited taxpayer money more judiciously.” More details on his campaign can be found on his website.
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Jim wants to clean up Snohomish County Government. That’s why I am voting for him.
I’m sure he may be a nice guy but I’m a little more concerned about people jumping on a bandwagon just because of a slogan. I would expect people to do a bit of research first. Mr. Roe is an outstanding incumbent who came into the position after the previous office holder left. He has extensive criminal experience (actually in the court room) and works well with all.
“Clean up Snohomish County Gov’t”, that’s nice but lets not forget the duties of the job that he is actually running for…..not quite the pulpit to clean up gov’t….crime, yes. This position shouldn’t be a political position anyways and is a waste of our taxpayer money to make it so. Crime and criminals do not fall along party lines and neither should those trusted with fighting it.
Jim Kenny is a very capable professional who deserves to be elected. I do strongly agree with Mr. Welch that prosecutors should not be elected, and I believe that about judges as well.
If you do your research on Jim, you will see he has extensive criminal prosecution courtroom experience. Jim also has ideas for dealing with “traditional” crimes. The current prosecutor is famous for plea bargins. Jim is the only one that is addressing corruption and scandals that continue to make front page news. How about the taser gun death by SnoCo sherrifs this last weekend? Status quo will only continue the scandals – which by the way, depleat city and county funds for investigations and victim lawsuits. Go to jimkenny.org for more info.
First, I agree that Mr. Kenney likely has a lot of court experience as a municipal prosecutor (a little different than felony). My issue is not with him. My issue is people jumping on a band wagon just because someone throws a catch phrase out there that has no substance. “Corruption and scandals”, why dosen’t someone specifically name something where criminal charges were actually referred to the PA to look at. You mean like the death of the bar patron in his Corvette where Mr. Roe (despite his rapport and relationships) properly evaluated the law (not public opinion) and elected to charge the officer. That takes courage and shows that he can be level headed and not fall to outside pressures. As for plea bargaining, do you think his office has been able to escape the recession. Let’s see what you could do to handle current 2010 case loads with 1980s staffing levels. There may be a lot of plea bargains which not are always an easy pill to swallow but at least he is spending resources on the more serious offenses.
And as for the “Taser gun death the Sheriff”, well you are sure quick to judge. Why don’t you do some research on Manic Exhaustive Syndrome and the colleges doing studies on it. I guess you would be happier if officers just simply shot everyone that were prepared to fight at all costs and take 4-5 officers to subdue. Take a ride along with a cop and see what it is really like someday.
Bottom line with regards to Mr. Kenny, I’m always a little leary of someone walking in with one liners to fix complex problems and people jumping on board without the facts.