Edmonds City Council to meet on Monday this week

Due to the general election on Nov. 2, the Edmonds City Council will meet Monday, Nov. 1 in the Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 5th Ave. N.

Here’s the agenda:

At 6 p.m., the Council will meet in executive session regarding labor negotiation strategy, and pending and threatened litigation. The executive session, which is not open to the public, is scheduled to last approximately 60 minutes and will be held in the jury meeting room.

At 7 p.m., the Council will hold public hearings on the following:

– An ordinance that would define emergency temporary indoor shelters and identify zoning districts where they are permitted. This would replace the interim ordinance that the council passed in December 2009 and renewed in June of this year while the Planning Board was developing recommendations to address the issue.

– An ordinance that would establish regulations that would govern the establishment of a temporary homeless encampment such as a Tent City, if one were to be located in Edmonds.

– An ordinance authorizing a 1 percent increase in the 2011 levy for regular property tax, authorize the 20 emergency medical services levy at the prior year’s level and continue the debt service levy.

– An update to the Street Tree Plan.

– A proposal to allow dogs on leashes at Hutt Park.

The council will also discuss and potentially take action on a proposed City of Edmonds 2011 Legislative Agenda and will hear Mayor Mike Cooper’s report on the Council’s direction regarding City Attorney Request for Qualifications.

The complete agenda can be found here.

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