Edmonds Film Festival schedule filling out with more films, workshops
Posted: October 5, 2010 1111
The excitement continues to build for the Edmonds International Film Festival, with more film showings and workshops announced at edmondsfilmfestival.com. Here are some of the latest offerings:
FILMS “Frequent Flier” Friday, Oct. 22, 7:30-10 p.m. The Edmonds Theater, 415 Main St.
In addition to the previously announced Rick Steves travel documentary, “Andalucia,” the festival will screen during this time block the 20-minute documentary “Frequent Flier.” Gabriel Leigh takes us on a flight of frequent flyer mile-inspired mileage runs and general wackiness aboard airlines in search of the free round-the-world first class ticket.
Added to the previously announced “The Movie Girl” in this time block are two short films:
– “Skylight” is a mock animated documentary about the ecological plight of penguins in the Antarctic, possibly foretelling cataclysmic results for the rest of the world.
– “True Beauty This Night,” a 10-minute tale of love at first sight.
Taught by Tony Doupe, a professional actor who also serves a professor and drama department advisor at Shoreline Community College, this workshop that explores successful acting techniques for camera performance and the creative working relationship between actor and director. It’s designed for novice to intermediate actors looking to break into acting for the camera or obtaining some professional advice to help them get to the next level. Doupe currently works in the industry, and in fact was originally slated to teach two workshops but was cast in a major role in “The River Sorrow” starring Ray Liotta, and will have to shoot the day after he teaches at the Edmonds Film Festival.
Rick Steves shares the latest on Spain with photos and tips on every corner of the country and insights into his favorite places. From vibrant Barcelona to the pilgrims’ trail to Santiago di Compostella and from the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona to alternatives to the touristy Costa del Sol in Ancalucia, he cuts through the superlatives and lays out the smartest way to enjoy maximum travel thrills per mile, minute, and dollar in your next Iberian adventure. Steves will reference his “Andalucía – The Best of Southern Spain” episode, which will have screened at Edmonds International Film Festival the previous night.
Rick Steves will share knowledge gained from 20 years of experience producing over 100 travel shows for public television, including a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges and frustrations of producing boradcast-quality TV on a budget. Includes a screening of “The Making of Rick Steves’ Europe”, and there will be plenty of time for questions.
To attend any of the events, click on the “Buy a Ticket” link after each event listing. My Edmonds News will provide ongoing updates as more events are announced.
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