After 26 years with City of Edmonds, Brian McIntosh off to new adventures


Brian McIntosh is retiring on Friday, after nearly three decades with the City of Edmonds. (Photo by Amber Salinas Photography)

In 1984, Brian McIntosh joined the City of Edmonds as recreation coordinator. After 26 years and five promotions, McIntosh — now the city’s Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services — is retiring, but took a few minutes to reflect on his time with the city.

What were you doing before you came to the City of Edmonds? Have you always been in the Parks and Recreation Field?

I had many different jobs before coming to Edmonds but my previous career for seven  years was as a high school teacher/coach in Australia and Canada.

Tell us about your family

I’ve been married 30 years to my wife Birgitte and have three children in their 20s.

What has been your guiding principal or mission as Parks and Recreation Director?

As a public servant (I’m part of a dedicated departmental and city team), responding to needs of the community to the best of our ability.

Looking back on your career in Edmonds, what accomplishments are you most proud of?

I’ve been lucky in the variety of projects that I have been able to work on that is Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services – the three divisions in this department. No day is the same! Once again as a team we’ve filled identified needs over the years with a preschool developed in Meadowdale, youth scholarships, a skate park, new neighborhood parks in north and south Edmonds, a columbarium at the cemetery, waterfront enhancements and so on. I can’t emphasize enough that no one person is responsible – it is all a team approach.

What are your plans after leaving the city? We’ve heard something about a kayaking trip?

The kayaking will just be more frequent! More West Coast Vancouver Island/B.C. and Iceland in the near future.  A little further out, catching up on long-shelved personal projects and volunteer work.

Is kayaking in Iceland as cold as it sounds?

Although Iceland sounds cold, Greenland kayaking is colder. It all boils down to having the right gear and choosing the right season!

What is the one thing you will miss most about your job? The one thing you will miss least?

I will certainly miss my co-workers and the scores of Edmonds volunteers who always step up to contribute to their community. I will not miss the late nights.

Anything else you want to add?

Edmonds is a vibrant community filled with people who really care about it. I was lucky to land in such a place.  My memories of Edmonds will always be fond, and I hope that I’ve been able to contribute over the years to what makes this town special.

  1. Have fun up on Vancouver island or where ever else you end up at, the parks are a big part of edmonds and you did a great job

  2. Edmonds really does have a great parks & rec division. Its also great to hear of someone who is so dedicated to a community, starting with one position and working their way up over so many years. Enjoy an active retirement!

  3. I am new to the City of Edmonds, having been here just four months now as Public Works and Utilities Director. I just wanted to say it has been a singular pleasure getting to know Brian. He could not have been more welcoming or more supportive to me as I work to understand how things are done in this community. He is a true gentleman, has a well-developed intellect, a terriffic sense of humor, and an abiding love for this community. He always approaches the City’s business as a team player. That is a refreshing and productive quality. I am sure it is one of the reasons why he has been so successful over the last 26 years. Good luck and good paddling!

  4. Phil:
    During my four years as a city council member my experience with Brian matches what you have observed in your four months with the city. Mayor Haakenson made a great selection when he put Brian in charge of Parks and Recreation, and my limited experience with you indicates that you will do a great job at Public Works. Let’s hope that Mayor Cooper comes up with a replacement for Brian who’s of comparable calibre.

  5. Brian is one of those guys who quietly gets everything done without drawing attention to himself. I’ve heard it said that he is a great person to work with across departments and agencies, always having done his homework and being well prepared for whatever the project may be. You will be missed Brian! Thanks for all the years of hard work in Edmonds. p,s, I hear Hat Island is calling your name. That’s going to be a great getaway!

  6. Congratulations Brian on your 26 years of extraordinary service to Edmonds. You truly epitimize the selfless civil servant who puts his community and fellow workers above his own personal interests and ambitions. I am proud to have known you and your family.
    The very best wishes for a fun and fulfilling retirement,
    Larry and Lauren

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