Edmonds City Council committees to meet Tuesday night

It’s a night of committee meetings for the Edmonds City Council starting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, with agendas as follows:
Community Services/Development Services Committee
Council Chambers
A. Review City of Edmonds Draft 2011 Legislative Agenda. (10 Min.)
B. Continued review of compostable food packaging ordinance. (20 Min.)
C. Continued review of the Capital Facilities Plan and Capital Improvement Program. (20 Min.)
D. Discussion of Community Technology Advisory Committee organization and procedure. (15 Min.)
E. Interlocal Agreement with Snohomish Conservation District. (10 Min.)
F. Authorization for Mayor to sign a Supplement Agreement with Murray, Smith and Associates, Inc. for updating the City’s  Water System Comprehensive Plan. (5 Min.)
G. Authorization to advertise for construction bids for the 2010 Waterline Replacement Project. (5 Min.)
H. Authorization to advertise for construction bids for the Alderwood Intertie and Reservoir Upgrade Project. (5 Min.)
I. Authorization to advertise for construction bids for the Interurban Trail improvements. (5 Min.)
J. Quarterly Public Works Project Report. (5 Min.)

Finance Committee
Location: Jury Meeting Room
A. Edmonds Public Facilities District/Edmonds Center for the Arts request for City grant. (10 Min.)
B. Approve Contract for Professional Services – City of Edmonds Prosecutor. (15 Min.)
C. Edmonds Historical Museum Repairs Project Costs. (15 Min.)
D. Monthly General Fund Update. (10 Min.)
E. 2010 Third Quarter Budget Update. (15 Min.)
F. Review City of Edmonds Draft 2011 Legislative Agenda. (10 Min.)
G. Review remaining 2011 Budget questions. (30 Min.)
H. Interlocal Agreement with SNOCOM for internet access. (5 Min.)
I. Final 2010 Budget Amendment. (20 Min.)
J. Discussion of Mayor discretionary pay increases for vacant positions.
(10 Min.)
K. 2011 Hourly Employee Wage Schedule. (10 Min.)
L. Discussion regarding a policy for a general fund reserve. (10 Min.)
M. 2011 Contract for Edmonds City Council Sr. Executive Assistant. (10 Min.)
N. Public Comments (10 Min.)
(3-minute limit per person)

Public Safety Committee
Location: Police Training Room
Review City of Edmonds Draft 2011 Legislative Agenda. (10 Min.)

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