Each year, non-profit organization Holly House provides gifts for children in need in Edmonds and Lynnwood. This year, Holly House is short about 500 toys for 7-11 year olds. You can help by dropping drop off an unwrapped present at the Fabric of Life Fair Trade Boutique, 523 Main St., by next Wednesday, Dec. 22.
Holly House also needs volunteer interpreters who speak Spanish and Russian on Sunday, Dec. 19 to assist parents while they shop from the range of donated gifts. Holly House will be set up in the gym of College Place Elementary, with pre-registered parents coming from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call Gail Young at 425-431-2419 if you or someone you know is able to assist at some point during the day.
Thank you!!
It is almost heart breaking, the number of charities and aid programs that are coming up short this year. This if anything is truly the indicator of how bad our economy over-all is right now!