At the most recent Edmonds Port Commission meeting Nov. 29, the Commission:
• Received a presentation from Paul Sorensen of the economic research and planning group BST Associates covering economic conditions, boating industry trends and prospects for rising from the recession.
• Approved adoption of the North King and South Snohomish regional mitigation plan for natural hazards as required by FEMA.
It was also noted that the Edmonds Yacht Club’s annual Holiday on the Docks lighted boat display would be from Dec. 5-Jan 8 in the mid-marina area.
The next regularly scheduled Port Commission meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 13, in the Port Commission meeting room. Tentative agenda items include an Edmonds economic development report, recognition of the UW view shed study team studying Harbor Square reconfiguration impacts, reconfirmation of the 2011 Port Commission meeting schedule, and election of Commission officers for 2011.
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