Details from Edmonds police about the pharmacy robbery

Here’s the news release from  the Edmonds Police Department about this morning’s pharmacy robbery:

On Monday, January 24, 2011, at 11:05 a.m. Edmonds police responded to a reported robbery that had just occurred at a pharmacy located in the 7600 block of 212th St. SW.  A male suspect entered the business wearing a hip-length dark coat over a gray hooded sweatshirt.  He had the hood pulled up over his head and his appearance was further concealed by a mask and gloves.  The suspect presented an employee with a note demanding drugs.  

Officers arrived on the scene immediately after the suspect had fled on foot.  While police searched the surrounding area nearby schools were placed in a lock-down status as a precautionary measure.

The robbery remains under investigation. Edmonds police ask anyone with information regarding this crime to call the tip line at 425-771-0212

  1. If my memory is right, this is the third time in several months that this pharmacy has been robbed or there has been an attempted robbery. Could be that its proximity to the high school has something to do with this.

  2. There are relatively few retail establishments robbed in Edmonds; I don’t know if any other pharmacy has ever been robbed, yet this one has been hit at least three times in less than one year. The goal each time, I beleve, was to get drugs and not money. I am speculating that there are possibly many people across the steet in the high school who are into drugs. I’m not saying that high school students are the culprits; my comment was made simply to pose the possibility.

  3. As a student at EW, I can say that the majority of kids at my school aren’t very interested in pharmaceuticals, unless THC is involved. Our school population is very much into their marijuana, and unless the drugs that were stolen have ‘Dope’ listed as a main ingredient, I don’t think that the students would be interested in them. The reaction I saw amongst my peers was more along the lines of, “Darn, now I won’t be able to go off campus to go eat disgusting fast food!”

    Must be those poverty-stricken teachers, selling Ritalin to the Honors kids.

  4. Ron First of all I think your comments “crossed the line” thats one of the most sterotype comments Ive ever heard before and for someone who served on the city council you should be embarssed. From what i see in the pictures this place is right out in the open most of the other places are in the back of drug stores point being this place is an easy target for someone to get drugs, It has nothing to do with the high school

  5. Ron:

    Because I like you, I bit my tongue for a whole day before posting this comment. Your comment is the most ageist I’ve read in a long time. I seem to remember when a member of the Council commented on your actions and attributed them to your age. That didn’t happen very long ago. You were up in arms. Well, sir, you have now done the same thing. And, as a parent of a outstanding EWHS student, I find your statement offensive and uncalled for.

  6. Ron has presented a reasonable and logical possibility for the repeat robberies in the area. Its an absolute certainty that our very good detectives have included this obvious possibility in their investigation.

    As for Rose, she presented a reasoned reply defending the vast majority of students. Priya has given us a classic example of AGE DISCRIMINATION. Finally Mike has again displayed his over developed tunnel vision.

  7. For those who live in the neighborhood, our best guess is that it’s either folks living in the motels and trailer parks along/around 99, or random robberies as the ‘word is out’ about an apparent easy mark. I’m more concerned about how the business will respond to the problem, so that repeat armed robberies won’t place our neighborhood, and students, in harms way.

  8. No Ray your wrong, go talk to the Police they will tell you that fast getaways and acess to Highway 99 and I 5 are targets for robberies, that place that got robbed fits the profile. Im sorry its wrong to discriminate, that includes age race or any other form of it. Priya did’nt make those comments I did’nt make those comments Ron did.

  9. Mr. Wambolt was making on observation based on his perceptions and experience. He did not assume that one of the students was involved. He very politely thanked one poster who gave him some further insights into the situation. Mr. Wambolt seems open to hearing the opinions of others. He merely asked if the proximity to the high school had anything to do with the robbery. Ageist?
    Seem to me like it is Mr. Wambolt who is suffering under “age discrimination”, not the other way ’round.
    How about respecting the views of others without name calling?

  10. Dianne,

    You did well until you also fired another wierd age discrimination accusation against Ron. And I have a lot of difficulty comprehending what you are trying to say. Some of your comments do not seem to make sense.

    “Ageist” is not a word. I suspect Priya used it as one might use the words sexist or racist.

    Other than you and Priya appearing to call Ron some sort of an “ageist” and some sharp disagreeing opinions, I see no other name calling. Just who would you be accusing of name calling?

  11. Mr. Martin,
    If I was unclear, I apologize. My point (apparently ill stated) was that nothing Mr. Wambolt said was “age discrimination”. He was merely asking if there was a relationship regarding the proximity to the school.
    The entire discussion has nothing at all to do with “age”. I was, Mr. Martin, agreeing with you.

  12. I would Rose P had a pretty good account of EW student reaction because it matched my sons who also attends EW. I also know that generally speaking that EW students may be more into raiding in WOW then across the street pharmacy.

    Ron P I think you may have had the reaction and thought process that is the same criminals have had. Hit this place three times it’s easy they are going to search the High School first so can make a clean get away.

  13. Diane:

    It’s clear that Ron’s statement does not make any direct accusations toward high school students. But just as clearly he insinuates drug use and involvement in the crime.

    I’ll give you an example. If I said this to someone:

    “I’m not saying that that you dropped out of school in the 8th grade; my comment was made simply to pose the possibility.”

    Wouldn’t they rightfully feel they’d been accused of being uneducated?

    Well, just change “you dropped out of school in the 8th grade” to “high school students are the culprits” and you have an exact quote from Ron. I’m with Priya on this one, including her comment about liking Ron.


    I’ll save you the trouble of opening up a dictionary:

  14. Mr Morgan. Point given. It is one I understand very well on a very personal level, and a variation of which I have heard pointed at me most of my life.
    In this case, I think it is entirely possible that there is a relationship of the proximity of the High School to the repeated robberies at that rather obscure drug store. Not that a high schooler did it,which seems unlikely, but that it is a very crowded area particularly when the students are at lunch. It would be very easy to slip into the crowd and avoid the police. That is what I thought Mr Wambolt was talking about, none of which has anything to do with age.

  15. Good comments well taken. Better tone with a far better maturity level than earlier discussion. Touche’ on the new word “ageist” . I guess I’m just an old oldist.

  16. While I don’t want to credit too much intelligence to the thief, the choice of pharmacy and the timing make good sense. First, my son goes to EW and said they were told the thief was a young 20s man – someone who could easily blend in among the students. Second, the time of the theft is, I believe, during lunch break when there would be many students in the street going to and from lunch at local restaurants. Third, if you look at the pharmacies in Edmonds (Google), this shows up as the only non-chain pharmacy that is not in another business or part of a corporate chain.
    Like I said, I doubt the thief actually thought out all of these points, and I don’t pretend to know what other factors a good thief would consider!

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