The Edmonds Sister City Commission is accepting applications from adults interested in co-leading the annual student visit to Hekinan, Japan for the last two weeks of July 2011.
Chaperones stay with a host family in Hekinan and travel costs are paid by the commission. For an application packet, visit , call 425-771-0230, or pick up packets at the Frances Anderson Center, 700 Main St. The application deadline is Friday, Feb. 11, at 5 p.m.
I would like to apply for the Chaperone Position for the Hekinan trip, but I wonder if the application deadline is February 11, as stated here, or in fact January 12 (already passed), as stated at the link and on the actual application.
Thank you for your time!
Hi Linda – the application deadline has been extended to Feb. 11, so I’d encourage you to apply.