In light of the devastating earthquake in Japan, where the City of Edmonds has a sister city, Mayor Mike Cooper issued the following statement on Facebook Friday:
My heart goes out to our friends in Japan, especially those in our sister city of Hekinan. While Hekinan is in the southern part of the country, we have attempted to contact community leaders there to find out the conditions in the area and to let them know they are in the thoughts of our city. Once we know more, our city staff will explore ways to reach out and help.These types of devastating events are a reminder for all us to be ready. I encourage everyone in Edmonds to make sure you have an emergency kit including a 7- hour supply of food and water. For more information, please visit the FEMA website or
I have heard back from my friends in Tokyo. Their only problem is that they cannot return to their homes, which are generally a one hour train ride away, because the train service is halted. So they’re spending Saturday, which it already is in Japan, in the office.
This disaster is another reminder of how important preparedness really is. My thoughts are with those in Japan. I know I can do better here at home to prepare for earthquakes that are bound to happen.