During its meeting Tuesday night, the Edmonds School Board approved the key dates for the next three school years, according to an email sent by the school district Wednesday. Important dates for the upcoming 2011-12 school year are:
First Day of School: Wednesday, Sept. 7 (please note it is Wednesday, not Tuesday)
Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 24-25
Winter Break: Dec. 19, 2011-Jan. 2, 2012 (returning Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2012)
Presidents’ Day Break: Feb. 20-21 (Feb. 20 is Presidents’ Day and a Federal holiday)
Spring Break: April 2-6
Last Day of School: Wednesday, June 20
Snow make-up days, if needed, and in order of use, will be:
Thursday, June 21
Friday, June 22
Monday, June 25
Tuesday, June 26
One major change to the schedule is that the first day of school next fall will start on a Wednesday rather than the usual Tuesday after Labor Day. This change better supports the district’s efforts to have all enrolled students counted on a “fourth day” count, one of the data points the state uses to determine district funding. Moving to a Wednesday start moves the fourth day count to Monday, the district email said.
The district notes that days lost to snow closures must be made up, so it is recommend that parents factor those dates into end-of-year planning and don’t plan vacations or other activities to start prior to the last snow make-up day. Dates listed for holidays are the days when school is not in session. Saturdays and Sundays are not included.
It’s anticipated that the remaining dates for the 2011-12 school year will be finalized and released by no later than the last day of school, June 24. The delay is a result of the late legislative session and the impacts budget decisions can have on the placement of non-students days, the district said.
The key dates for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years are posted on the district website.
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