Edmonds Family: Watershed Fun Fair, summer camp signups

By Lara Alexander

May events for families

Watershed Fun Fair, a fun family event, will be in Yost Park on Saturday, May 21, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Activities will include guided nature walks; nature crafts and storytelling; exhibits about fish and wildlife, backyard habitat, recycling, energy and water conservation; as well as a native plant sale and expert advice on planting. Make a day of it by bringing a picnic lunch and enjoying the park trails and playground. Yost Park, 9535 Bowdoin Way.  Call 425-771-0227 for more information

Preventing Childhood Obesity, a workshop by KCTS 9 and PCC will take place at the Edmonds PCC on May 14 from 2-4 p.m. You can reserve your spot by emailing kids@kcts9.org or calling (800) 930-6060.

Summer is almost here – have you signed up kids for summer camps?

Edmonds Park and Recreation has a plethora of camps to choose from for summer fun, and a website that makes choosing the right camp easy. Visit www.EdmondsCamps.org to browse day camps, sports camps, arts and music camps, and more!

The Dale Turner YMCA offers numerous camps for Edmonds families including “Discovery Camp” and “Kids on Their Way” at Chase Lake Elementary and “Discovery in Action” at Cedar Way Elementary. Read more and register at the website.

Boys and Girls Club of Edmonds invites you to register in person for their summer camps. Families can sign up for individual weeks or the full summer period. Both kids camps (kindergarten through 6th grade) and teen camp (middle schoolers) are available. 310 6th Ave. N.

Help to bring a playground to Edmonds Heights K-12

Edmonds Heights K-12 is competing in the Pepsi Refresh Foundation’s to receive a $50,000 grant to install an much desired elementary playground. Voting takes place online at www.refresheverything.com/playgroundforkids until May 31, or by text message (text the numbers “106309” to the phone number 73774). This school has been part of the district for 15 years and without a playground for their active kids!

Key dates for the 2011-2012 school year

During a recent meeting, the Edmonds school board decided on the key school dates for the next three years. A change to notice is the Wednesday start of the new school year, instead of the typical Tuesday start. The date was moved to better support the district’s efforts to have all enrolled students counted on “fourth day” count, one of the pieces of data the state uses to determine the district’s funding.

First Day of School: Wednesday, Sept. 7
Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 24 and 25
Winter Break: Dec. 19, 2011 to Jan. 2, 2012 (returning Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2012)
Presidents’ Day Break: Feb. 20-21
Spring Break: April 2-6
Last Day of School: Wednesday, June 20

Days lost to snow closures must be made up. The district recommends that you factor these dates into your end of year planning and do not plan vacations or other activities to start prior to the last snow make-up day. Snow make-up days will be Thursday, June 21st through Tuesday, June 26.

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