Letter to the editor: ex-Edmonds mayor endorses Dave Earling

To the editor:

I was pleased to see Dave Earling announce that he is campaigning for mayor of Edmonds. Having worked with Dave on the City Council and as mayor, I know he brings consensus building and leadership to the position, two traits sadly missing in today’s Edmonds city government.

Dave has operated a business of his own for many years and has the skills to manage a city budget as well as the people skills required to handle city employees in a fair and equitable manner. The hard working and well trained city employees of Edmonds deserve better than they have today when it comes to a voice of representation.

It’s time to stop the bickering and self-serving attitude exhibited by some current Edmonds elected/appointed officials. It’s time to bring professionalism and common sense back to our city. That’s why I enthusiastically support Dave’s candidacy for mayor.

Gary Haakenson

  1. Ray:

    My interpretation of the endorsement is “one competent person recognizing an other
    competent person”.

  2. Dear Mr. Martin,

    As a business owner in Edmonds my thoughts go towards encouraging positive economic growth for our business districts to take the tax burden off the property owners which I also am. Once again I hear the narrow mindedness of your focus on building heights. I would encourage you to take a more positive attitude as there are more pertinent issues concerning our city. I have know Gary for close to 40 years. I know and admire his business ethics and feel that his endorsement of Dave Earling for Mayor is the best if not the only choice for our city to get back on track with his sound management style and extensive experience in both city and regional issues.

    Very well put.

  3. I’m puzzled by this statement by Mr. Haakenson:

    “The hard working and well trained city employees of Edmonds deserve better than they have today when it comes to a voice of representation.”

    It is my understanding that the Mayor does not represent the employees of Edmonds, but represents the citizens of Edmonds. I hope that all candidates for Mayor make it clear who they plan to represent if elected.

  4. Dear Ms. Sarvis,

    You enjoyed about 10 years of Haakenson and Earling and their “economic development” characterized by:
    1. Prospering city employees, especially for the Mayor.
    2. 1 Million to the Alliance and “Economic development” director to raise heights.
    3. Huge legal expenses and many lost lawsuits.
    4. Huge tax increases and continuing debt for all property owners.
    5. Poor transparency and secretive ramrod legislation
    6. Struggling businesses

    So how did that (and plenty more) all work out for you?
    And now that Earling’s state job is going away you want him back for more “economic development” ?

  5. I sit here and read the post on My Edmonds News and think how sad that a select few know what all the citizens of Edmonds want. I have know Dave since our sons played soccer together in Elementary (now 35) and Gary when he had his card shop and I worked for Wilcox Construction. I respect both men, sorry if that offends some of you. Gary was one of my early endorsers when I started my campaign for city council. I’m sorry I couldn’t fit the run for council and work together.
    I have a question for a few of you. When you walk in downtown Edmonds and see the Park employees working on the flower gardens do you thank them for their hard work? Have you ever thanked an employee working in the streets? I do constantly and have made many friends that way. You would also be surprised at how many live in Edmonds.
    It’s time to think positive. Edmonds is the best place to live so enjoy it.

  6. Mr. Anderson: Clearly you have decided who is going to get your vote in the race for Mayor. Like many voters, you’ll be voting for the candidate you and your friends think is a nice guy. I’m sure many people who knew Mike Cooper when he was growing up in Edmonds will vote for him for the same kind of reason.

    I appreciate hearing about your relationship with Mr. Earling and Mr. Haakenson. I don’t appreciate your attempt to quiet those with different views than yours. Are you one of the select few who know what all the citizens of Edmonds want?

    Speaking of saying thanks, have you ever stopped to thank those who work hard to research and publish facts about those who are running for office and those who endorse them? A free and fair election needs their voices.

  7. Joe, you don’t have to be so formal with me. I would like to meet you in person some day or maybe I have already. How about coffee some day?

    My intent wasn’t to quiet those with a different view point. If it came off that way to you I’m sorry to hear it. Also my comment wasn’t directed at you.

  8. Hey Paul,
    I didn’t assume any of your comments were directed at me – I took no offense. And maybe I didn’t understand what you were trying to say. Perhaps you could be more specific about what you meant by “a select few know what all the citizens of Edmonds want”.

  9. Paul,

    I think we should also thank the hundreds of citizens who donate many hours of their time to the volunteer committees and organizations, such as the Planning Board, the Architectural Design Board, the Transportation Committee, the Mayor’s Climate Control Committee, the Economic Development Committee, the Levy Committees, the Library Board, the Historic Preservation Commission, the Arts Commission, the Sister City Commission, the newly formed Tree Board, and probably more I’ve forgotten. And the over 30 organizations listed to the right of my post, under Links, all of which are supported by the work of dedicated volunteers who are giving back to their community.

    Every citizen has a voice. ALL of the citizens of Edmonds deserve to have a Mayor who represents them to the best of their ability.

  10. Joan,
    I thank them all too. I just don’t get to see all of them. It takes a lot of volunteers doing a multitude of tasks to run this city.

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