You can take a look at the latest redevelopment plans for the Harbor Square Business Complex during a meeting sponsored by the Port of Edmonds from 6-9 p .m. on Thursday, June 9 in the Harbor Square complex. The meeting will be in the Cascade Room, located at 120 W. Dayton, Edmonds.
My Edmonds News was at the May 9 Port of Edmonds Commission meeting when the Port’s Redevelopment Plan Steering Committee went through the design schemes for the aging 14.62-acre complex that were developed through three steering committee meetings. You can see the presentation here.
For more information, contact Port Executive Director Bob McChesney at 425-774-0549.
Hats off to the Port of Edmonds for this open and deliberate approach to the Harbor Square redevelopment. Your steady march towards the future, and repeated calls for citizen engagement, speak highly of your commitment to doing things right the first time.
Echo Todds comments. Additionally it should be noted that all who live in the Port District are basically “owners” of Harbor Square. So as “owners” we should care what we do with property and be mindful that if we do nothing and let HS decay over time then we will be left with an asset that has declining value and increasing costs which will have handled in some way. The Port of Edmonds is all of use who live in the Port District.
Two quick items:
1.) Could you put a link on the Port’s website homepage for the harborsquare_meetings area.
2.) In the recent Harbour Square flyer, it states “The UW Viewshed Study is available on the Port’s website or by request”. Could you please put a link up for the Viewshed Study.
Thank you … M