Science, technology, engineering, math scholarships available through EdCC

Edmonds Community College received a $600,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to provide scholarships and support to students studying science, technology, engineering, and math.

The grant will support 45 low income, educationally talented, and disadvantaged students in their math and science studies. Students will receive a $5,000 scholarship each year while they complete their degree.

“The scholarship is the icing on the cake. There will be unique opportunities for these students to ignite their interest in math and science and build a portfolio of experience,” said engineering instructor Patrick Burnett.

The scholarship recipients will work together and receive additional support services including tutoring, advising, and assistance from faculty mentors. They will also have opportunities to participate in service learning and undergraduate research projects.

“As educators, we know these kind of services keep students in school and motivate them to achieve in math and science. We’re investing in these students. They are our future,” Burnett said.

The grant aims to encourage more students to select college majors in and pursue careers in biology, chemistry, computer information systems, computer science, engineering, environmental science, mathematics, and physics.

Nationwide, there are concerns about the limited supply of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics trained workers. A July report from the U.S. Commerce Department illustrated the importance of educated STEM workers to the economy. It showed job growth in STEM fields and higher wages for those with STEM degrees.

Students eligible to receive the scholarships are those who are: experiencing financial challenges to attend college; maintaining a 2.5 GPA or better; planning to pursue a degree in science, technology, engineering, and math; and who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

For more information about the scholarships, call 425-640-1802 or visit

  1. Having been one of those low income, science talented student who made her way through Engineering School on several of these types of scholarships, I can affirmatively say that they opened a great many doors for me. Glad to hear they haven’t been cut from our budget.

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