Do you shop in Edmonds? Take the city’s survey here

As part of the City of Edmonds’ strategic planning process, citizens are being asked to complete a survey on their shopping habits. Included in the questions are which Edmonds neighborhoods do you shop in, and how frequently. The survey also asks  for people to share their reasons for why they shop elsewhere.

Those completing the survey will have an opportunity to win a $100 gift card.

You can access the survey here. We will continue to feature it on our homepage for the next two weeks as a service to the community.


  1. Hate to be negative, but one needs to question the reliability of the survey. Never asks what part of town I am from but then in the resuts it says that 100% of the responses come from the highway 99 area.

  2. Harry, I went to the survey and it asks where you took the survey and what town you live in. This is customer driven and will be helpful as to where are customers come from. I will have delivered 800 customer surveys to business and I am delivering more to hit all areas of hte city

  3. I took the survey too. I reported “Downtown Edmonds” but, it responded with the same glitch that Harry reported. It said that 100% of survey takes were from the Rte 99 area and we know, at least one person who took the survey (me) is not from the Rte 99 area. Consequently, the survey is not accurate.

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