Edmonds Council to consider new utility connection charge, funding for Lake Ballinger interlocal agreement

A proposal to assess a one-time charge for new customers connecting to the City of Edmonds utility system and approval of an interlocal agreement with the cities of Mountlake Terrace and Lake Forest Park to address flooding, water quality issues and aquatic habitat in Lake Ballinger are among the items before the Edmonds City Council this Tuesday night.

The Lake Ballinger/McAleer Creek Watershed Forum — which includes representatives from several municipalities as well as concerned residents — has been working for several years to find a way to clean up Lake Ballinger and prevent the recurring flooding that impacts residents living on the lake. The agreement under consideration would have the cities sharing the cost of forum administration and lobbying support aimed at securing federal funding for a list of capital improvement projects that not only address flooding, but also improve the lake’s water quality and aquatic habitat.

Before the 7 p.m. regular meeting, the council will meet in executive session starting at 6:30 p.m. regarding potential litigation. Also on the meeting agenda:
– An update by SNOCOM on the New World Project, a plan to upgrade the dispatch and records management system for police, fire and corrections.
– A presentation on revenues and fund balances.
– A proposed ordinance regarding apprenticeship participation on City construction contracts.

The meeting will be in the Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 5th Ave. N., Edmonds. You can see the complete agenda here.

  1. There are Facility Charges already established for new connections to the City’s Water, Sewer and Stormwater Utilities. What is actually being discussed is substantial increases for each facility charge. It would in effect take the City from having very low charges (comparitive to other jurisdictions) placed on new developments (or developers) in the current situation, to having very high charges with the proposed changes. The proposed charges appear to have backing from a rate analysis, but the City has a choice in what they impose. On the positive side this can be good for the Existing Rate payers, by placing more costs on the new developments (connections). On the other side it will cost more for developers and could be considered and a negative in regards to Economic Development.

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