‘Great Small Trees’ topic of Floretum Garden Club’s Sept. 17 meeting

Japanese maple: A good small tree.

Floretum Garden Club’s first meeting of the season on Monday, September 17 will feature Christina Pfeiffer, co-author of Gardening Month by Month in Washington and Oregon, who will speak on “Great Small Trees.”

The public is welcome to hear this horticultural consultant. Smaller urban lots and concerns about blocking views make this a relevant topic.

The garden club meets in the Brackett Room on the 3rd floor of Edmonds City Hall on 5th Ave. N.  The meeting starts at noon and after a break, the speaker starts at 1 p.m.

The Garden Club welcomes guests and new members.  They meet on the 3rd Monday of the month from September through May. In January and February it’s the 4th Monday.  You can learn more details about the club here.

Picture: Japanese maple, a good small tree

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