Map illustrates widespread impact of grant funding on City of Edmonds projects

My Edmonds News has reported in past on the success of City of Edmonds staff in securing both state and federal grants to help fund a variety of city projects.  On Thursday morning, we received this map from Community Services and Economic Development Director Stephen Clifton that depicts locations tied to projects that recently have been or are being funded — fully or partially — by grants.

The following projects can be found on the map:
1.      Historic Preservation: Preserve America Grant in the amount of $24,000 for a matching grant to implement artist made interpretive signage to identify sites of historic interest downtown, and another $7,500 State Certified Local Government Grant for a city-wide historic sites survey.
2.      228th and Highway 99 (228th Street Southwest Corridor Improvements): $536,000 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Surface Transportation Program grant for design and right-of-way acquisition to improve access and safety at the intersection. $4,233,000 FHWA Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Grant for additional design and right-of-way acquisition costs, as well as complete construction.
3.      Main Street: $725,000 FHWA Enhancements Grant and $500,000 State appropriation for design and reconstruction of Main Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues).
4.      Five Corners: $2,399,000 FHWA Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant for design of a roundabout, right-of-way acquisition and construction.
5.      Highway 99 (Phase 1 and 2): $289,000 FHWA Enhancements Grant for International District Illumination Enhancements along Hwy. 99 from 230th Street Southwest to 220th Street Southwest  (This is an additional allocation to the original $373,000 grant for a total of $662,000).
6.      Highway 99 (Phase 3):  $685,000 FHWA Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)  Grant for lighting improvements along Highway 99 from 220th Street Southwest to 212th Street Southwest.
7.      5th Avenue South Overlay: $551,000 FHWA Preservation Grant for design and construction of an overlay on 5th Avenue South from Elm Way to Walnut Street, as well as upgrades to all non-Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant curb ramps along stretch.
8.      76th Avenue West/212th Street Southwest: $940,397 CMAQ grant for design and right-of-way acquisition to improve the intersection and reduce congestion.
9.      Shell Valley: $100,000 Department of Ecology Stormwater Grant and $250,000 Washington State appropriation for Shell Valley Emergency Access Road.
10.  Stormwater Improvements: $128,115 Department of Ecology Stormwater Grant for programmatic stormwater improvements and a $259,000 Ecology Stormwater Grant for a new decant facility at the Public Works shops complex.
11.  84th Avenue: Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant in the amount of $6,250 for installation of a radar reader board that depicts the speed of cars.
12.  226th Street Walkway: $185,000 FHWA Safety Grant for design and construction of 300 feet of new sidewalk and ADA curb ramps.
13.  Interurban Trail:  $577,000 Washington State Wildlife and Recreation Coalition Grant and $750,000 CMAQ Grant to construct the final segment of the Interurban Trail.
14.  City Park Enhancement: $500,000 Recreation Conservation Office Grant to construct improvements to City Park
15.  Efficiency Conservation: $160,000 Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant to purchase equipment and implement programs that conserve energy.
16.  Citywide Safety Improvements: $300,000 FHWA Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)  Grant for upgrades to several traffic signal cabinets and pedestrian countdown display.
17.  Commute Trip Reduction program: $2,630 Community Transit grant for an incentives program to city employees using alternative modes of transportation to driving alone as their commute to work.

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