During a recent chat with My Edmonds News, Edmonds Mayor Dave Earling noted that he still has office hours for members of the public and business owners on Friday mornings. When these meetings were originally announced, the Mayor received quite a number of visitors during these times. Lately, however, the number of people coming to visit has declined as people seem to have forgotten about the program.
These 15-minute, one-on-one meetings are designed to provide an opportunity for constituents to talk with the Mayor about concerns related to the city. Office Hhour meetings will be held on the second and fourth Fridays of every month from 8-9 a.m. in the Mayor’s office, located on the third floor of City Hall at 121 5th Ave. N.
This is a unique opportunity for the citizens of Edmonds to do something other people normally can’t. You can contact the Mayor’s office and he will invite you down to talk about whatever is on your mind. You don’t need to be someone of high importance or have some major topic to discuss; the Mayor would like to hear from anyone who has something to say.
Here is a link to our original story announcing the program.
— Harry Gatjens
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