Edmonds City Council set Tuesday night to approve voluntary departures of five employees

The Edmonds City Council during its Tuesday night meeting is set to approve the voluntary departures of five City of Edmonds employees, one of Mayor Dave Earling’s cost-cutting measures aimed at closing the city’s $1.5 million budget gap.

Under Earling’s Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP), the following employees have agreed to separation agreements that the council is set to approve, according to Tuesday night’s agenda:

– Susan Johnson, Department of Public Works administrative assistant

– Carl Nelson, Finance Department chief information office

– Leonard Yarberry, Development Services Department building official

– Vivienne Myers, Parks and Recreation Department office supervisor

– Sgt. Mike Blackburn, Police Department administrative sergeant

Under the program, employees had a one-time opportunity to voluntarily leave their jobs through retirement or resignation in exchange for a payout of six months’ salary or five months’ salary and reduced out-of-pocket COBRA benefit expenses. The goal was to reduce the City’s overall salary costs while minimizing impacts on service to citizens.

Nine employees applied for the program and six that were accepted based on program criteria originally outlined by the Mayor. After the initial acceptance, one member revoked his application. The ongoing savings for eliminating these five positions is $575,491.

Other items on the council agenda, include:

– A resolution initiating a proposal for a Business Improvement District in downtown Edmonds, the first step toward forming such a district.
– Consideration of whether to adopt language for a compensation policy for non-represented (non-union) employees.
– Review of non-represented employee job descriptions
– Review of the city’s Personnel Policy.

The meeting, held in the Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 5th Ave. N., will begin at 6:45 p.m., so councilmembers can meet with City Commission candidate Roy Olitt.  You can see the complete meeting agenda here.


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