It’s a rainy kind of day, Edmonds!

Updated at 11:20 a.m. with Lake Ballinger flood information

Edmonds residents living along Lake Ballinger have been notified that the lake has exceeded the First Stage Alert level of 278.6 feet (one foot below the established “first flood” elevation of 279.61). Residents are asked to “pass the word and take appropriate precautions,” said Jerry Shuster, stormwater engineering program manager.

As mentioned below, sand and bags are available to residents at the Public Works Yard (7110 -210th  St SW).

In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s wet outside – – and the rain deluge is expected to continue, causing water over the roadway in the usual Edmonds trouble spots, including State Route 104 and Dayton near the Edmonds ferry terminal.

“The city has held up pretty well,” said Tod Moles, the city’s street and storms manager. “We currently have water over the roadway at 216th and Hwy 99 as well as SR 104 and Dayton. Street crews are out clearing drains and responding to potential drainage concerns.”

Motorists are asked to drive with caution, watch for standing water and report flooding issues to Public Works at 425-771-0235. You can also assist public works crews by clearing obstructed storm drains, Moles added.

The city is setting up a sand bagging station at Public Works. Sand and bags will be provided, but residents will need to fill them. The Edmonds Public Works facility is located at 7110 210th St. S.W.

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