Do you know an “arts hero” in Edmonds? Chamber calling for nominations

It’s time to shine a spotlight on your favorite arts heroes – those volunteers and business leaders who support the programs you love in the visual, performing and literary arts. To find these folks who work and collaborate behind the scenes of Edmonds’ arts and cultural programs, the Chamber needs you to nominate your favorite arts heroes for the Edmonds Chamber Arts Awards. Arts heroes will be honored at an awards ceremony in March, 2013. Nominations are due by Feb. 14, 2013.

The new Edmonds Chamber Arts Awards program celebrates outstanding and exemplary contributions to arts and culture in the Edmonds community made by businesses, organizations and individuals. Awards will be made in four categories: business leadership, individual leadership, creative collaboration and individual volunteer service. Visit the Chamber website for descriptions of each category and an online nomination form to nominate your favorite partners and volunteers. Hard copies are also available at the Chamber office at 121 5th Ave. N.

The Arts and Culture Committee started over a year ago with the goal of raising awareness about the significant contributions of our local arts and culture sector to the economic vitality of Edmonds and highlighting the many partnerships and collaborations that support arts and culture. The committee, chaired by Chamber board member Jack Loos, includes representation from the City, the Edmonds Arts Commission, Edmonds Center for the Arts, Edmonds Community College, Port of Edmonds, local non-profits, businesses and artists; Chamber membership is not required in order to serve on the committee.

The awards will be presented at a public event on March 21, 2013 at the Edmonds Conference Center, just after Third Thursday Art Walk. Nominations are currently being accepted, with a Feb. 14, 2013 deadline.



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