Carol Schillios of Fabric of Life boutique sent an update from her trip to Mali, Africa:
Even as I write this the French have landed in Mopti. The Malian President will address the nation tonight. And this report from the BBC.
I won’t be sending out another formal newsletter so if you want to keep up with what’s happening as it unfolds, you can find updates and links on my facebook page. If you friend me on Facebook I promise to accept you as quickly as I’m able.
One small personal story to demonstrate that Kaaba and I haven’t lost our sense of humor in the face of extreme tension here in Bamako: Every morning piping hot French baguettes arrive at Kaaba’s doorstep for breakfast. Mouthwatering. Crunchy on the outside. Soft on the inside. Tantilizing aroma only the French have mastered. If I close my eyes I can almost believe I’m in Paris. I woke this morning to find Kaaba diligently stuffing more than half a dozen 3 foot fresh French baguettes into her tiny freezer.
“Why did you buy so many?” I queried.
Her response: “If the war reaches Bamako, and we’re forced to barricade ourselves in the house, I’m just sure all those darned French will flee. I’ll be damned if I’ll give up my baguette for African flatbread!”
Amour sacré de la patrie….
To follow Schillios in Mali,
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