This is My Job: Renee Kaufer, Gates Foundation

Renee Kaufer, right, with a colleague in South Africa.
Renee Kaufer, right, with a colleague in South Africa.

My Edmonds News presents a new feature: This is My Job, which will highlight interesting occupations of Edmonds residents. Want to nominate someone for a future profile? Email details, including person’s contact information, to

What is your job title and what do you do?
My title is Operations Manager, Africa at the Gates Foundation and I manage the operational and business processes of the foundation offices located in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa. The biggest part of my job involves navigating local, cultural practices and norms and blending with U.S. policies that the foundation must adhere to.

How long have you been working in that occupation?
I’ve been at the foundation for six years, but in this position since December as our Africa offices are only now opening.

What is the best part of your job?
Traveling to each of these countries frequently, meeting locals and hearing their stories, and learning something new during every trip. I’ve learned that people are essentially the same all over the world and want the same things, only the journeys are different.

If you could use three words to describe your job, what would they be?
Understanding, education, communication

What part of Edmonds do you live in?
I live in the Sherwood neighborhood near the Edmonds Homeschool Resource Center.

Anything else you want readers to know about you?
There’s no place like home. I love living in Edmonds and look forward to coming home after long trips. I run every morning around town with my black dog, Brodie, so if you see me, say hi!

— By Alexandra Stoffel

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