The Edmonds City Council is scheduled to consider a proposal at its Tuesday night meeting to fix the city’s aging and unstable computer and telephone systems — a problem that caused significant down time for both city’s email and phone services in recent weeks.
The estimated cost to purchase and install new hardware and software, plus staff training, is $271,546, higher than the $186,000 rough estimate that IT Director Brian Tuley had provided to the council when the problem was announced June 17. According to an update included as part of Tuesday’s council agenda, the increased cost is attributed to the addition of off-site data storage and tape backup, which was recommended by the consultant hired to look into the issue.
The council is also scheduled to:
— Approve the final plat for the seven-home Shoreshire development, located at 24223-24227 in the Lake Ballinger neighborhood.
— Review of the process for the city’s 2015 comprehensive plan update, which must include estimated jobs and population growth to cover an additional 10-year period (to 2035 instead of 2025).
— Open Public Meetings Act Training.
You can see the complete agenda here. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 5th Ave. N.
Now this is worthwhile project the public would support instead of the non-essential round-about at five corners that the public doesn’t support. I wish these people would get their priorities in line.