Dear Editor:
Local residents and the City of Edmonds have been presented with a big opportunity to acquire a portion of a 4.8-acre woodland that is part of the Perrinville Creek drainage and home to an abundance of wildlife. Its western boundary runs along 80th Avenue West near the intersection with 184th Street Southwest and continues easterly downhill to Olympic View Drive in Perrinville.
The owner of this woodland is on the brink of losing a substantial portion of that property due to a recent court ruling. The Snohomish County Superior Court has directed the Sheriff of Snohomish County to sell, at auction, a 2.28-acre parcel to satisfy a judgment handed down earlier in the year by the Superior Court. The sale will take place at 10 a.m. on Friday, June 27, 2014 at the courthouse in Everett.
The residents of the Seaview and Perrinville area have long tried to motivate the city to acquire this land and annex it to Seaview Park. It is an area of steep terrain and deep ravines that begs to be developed into a passive recreation area with a network of hiking trails, bird watching sites and educational pathways posted with signage about our native plants of the area.
Notwithstanding the unfortunate circumstances facing the land owner, the sale of this property provides a significant opportunity for the City of Edmonds to acquire and preserve this land in its natural state.
This public offering is also the chance for anyone who has a passion for protecting our forests and wildlife habitat, to acquire the land at a reasonable cost and if so desired, to leave a lasting legacy by gifting the land to the city for future generations to enjoy.
Whatever the outcome of this particular situation, our local homeowners’ group will continue its effort to find a way to preserve the woodlands of the Seaview and Perrinville area.
Duane Farmen
Friends of Seaview Woods
Duane, I’m a certified planner and interested neighbor. I keep intending to stop by and ask about this, but life is busy. Let’s talk. I’m at 8010 181ST PL SW. Home after 7p today, probably find me in the front yard waging war against the grass – or the back yard, enjoying yesterday’s victory…
The City of Edmonds should seize this opportunity to invest in the ecological health of the Seaview/Perrinville area. Over the years it will provide a great return. Other urban areas are strategizing on how to plant a canopy for global climate change…we have one in place!
Please add me to your group of supporters! It is one of the few areas which continues to provide a habitat for wildlife in a beautiful wooded setting. We need to maintain this gorgeous area for our children and grandchildren.
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