Editor’s note: This is an installment in a series of questions and answers with candidates who will appear on the Aug. 5 primary election ballot.
Scott Sutherland
Prefers: Republican Party
The candidate did not respond to the questionnaire; all information is taken from the Snohomish County Local Voters’ Pamphlet.
Elected Experience: None
Other Professional Experience: Union Member Local 21, 28 Years
Education: Two year Degree in Accounting and Computer Programming.
Community Service: None
I am running for Congress to promote green energy technology, AIDS research and fiscal responsibilty. We must make it a priority to develop better treatments for HIV patients and an effective HIV vaccine. Research should concentrate on both an individual HIV/AIDS vaccine for those already infected and a general HIV vaccine to prevent the spread of this disease. A general HIV vaccine to be based on use of HIV virus which has been killed through exposure to radiation or ultraviolet light. This will not alter the underlying structure of the virus and be used as a basis for a vaccine.
The vaccine based on the killed virus will allow the body’s own immune system to build up antibodies to protect people from contracting HIV. Individual vaccine should be developed to treat individuals who already have the disease. Infected white T-cells from individuals should be extracted and the T-cells ruptured and the T-cells ruptured and the viruses are kill by exposure to radiation or ultraviolet light. The individual own cells are used as HIV vaccine.
Prefers: Work and Wealth Party
At university, I, GoodSpaceGuy, became an amateur economist and minored in economics. My goal was to learn how to repair the economy so that everyone who wanted work could more easily get work and thereby help raise the living standard by helping with the production of the goods and the services that make up the living standard.
Q: If elected, what is your top priority?
I, GoodSpaceGuy, want jobs for everyone who is willing to work.
Also with the money we have already spent on our space program, we should have much more than our International Space Station. We should already have the beginning space colonies in which the colonists are researching how to live and prosper in orbital space.
Q: What motivated you to run for this position? What do you want to see change?
There are many improvements that I, GoodSpaceGuy, want to help make. (If you have time, please, see the programs of my past campaigns.) Our economy is stagnant and under attack by those who have not been taught economics. We have so many people not working. The burden on those who are working to carry those who are not working is great.
Q: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this position?
Year after year, people who do not understand economics are rated “outstanding” and are elected to office but then do not know how to unsabotage our economy. The stagnation of our economy continues. The low living standard of our people continues. To raise the living standard, people should elect people like me, GoodSpaceGuy, who are small spenders and understand economics. Big spenders who do not understand economics will continue the stagnation and poverty.
Q: How can people contact you if they want more information?
People may go to https://colonizespace.blogspot.com
Or people may Google goodspaceguy. Here they will find me and people who claim to be me who are trying to make me lose votes.
Jim McDermott
Prefers: Democratic Party
Jim is a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee – Congress’ tax-writing panel. During his time in Congress, Jim has worked hard to aid society’s most vulnerable populations – foster children, low-income individuals and families, unemployed Americans, and those confronting major illness or disability.
Throughout his congressional career, Jim has been a fierce advocate for the interests and issues of the greater Seattle region. Flying back to Seattle nearly every weekend of the year, Jim remains deeply involved in the community and maintains close connections with the people he represents.
Q: If elected, what is your top priority?
Access to affordable healthcare.
I strongly supported the Affordable Care Act, the pioneering health care reform bill that President Obama signed into law in 2010. The measure increased the number of insured Americans with over 8 million registering by March 31, 2014, including more than146,000 in Washington state. While the ACA is a huge step towards improving the U.S. health care system, I do recognize that more needs to be done to control costs, improve care, and include everyone. I know that a publicly financed universal health care system, rather than one based in the private insurance industry, is the only approach the will enable the U.S. to deliver high quality health care to all Americans in an affordable manner.
I introduced the “American Health Security Act of 2011,” which establishes a nationwide framework under which each state could provide publicly financed universal health coverage, because publicly financed and managed health care systems in many other industrialized nations have proven themselves to achieve better health outcomes at lower cost. Until universal health care is established at a federal level, I also support allowing states that seek to establish a single-payer system on their own (like Vermont) to receive an earlier waiver than is allowed under the ACA.
Q: What motivated you to run for this position? What do you want to see change?
I ran for office in 1988 to work on healthcare at a national level. We are finally moving forward with the Affordable Care Act and I am running again to see it through to completion.
Q: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this position?
All elections are important, but the choices we make in this year’s contest are crucial for the future of our country. We face daunting challenges in so many areas – and how we respond to them will set our course for many years to come. The turmoil and uncertainty of the last few years has taken a difficult toll on too many Americans. Now we must take bold action to restore the vitality of our country and the promise of our future. Representing Washington’s 7th District in the Congress is a great privilege and a grave responsibility. I ask for your support now to continue that work as a strong and thoughtful voice for progressive change.
I am eager to return to the Congress to tackle the momentous issues before us. The landmark health care reform legislation enacted in 2010 must be implemented carefully to fulfill its promise of more and better care for all Americans. We must, finally, provide the ongoing care needed by our soldiers and veterans. Our economy is still stumbling, and millions of Americans remain unemployed. And the current cost of gas underscores our urgent need to recast our energy policies and practices to develop the sustainable energy resources that will allow us to prosper in a changing world.
We can solve these problems with determined effort and clear purpose. I am committed to this effort and to the goals of a strong and productive society: affordable housing; employment opportunity; fair and progressive wages and taxation; reproductive choice; uncompromised civil rights and liberties; and trade policies that respect workers’ rights and protect the environment.
I invite you to review my record, and ask for your vote. Thank you for your support.
Q: How can people contact you if they want more information?
Campaign manager: Dayna Lurie
Doug McQuaid
Prefers: Independent Party
• Practiced law in Seattle since 1972. Owner/manager of private businesses in West Seattle (1996 – Present).
• Candidate for Supreme Court Justice in 2012 primary election finishing second among 3 candidates under the Washington Top 2 Primary, receiving over 266,000 votes statewide, 24% of the vote.
• University of Washington, B.A. in Business Administration (1967); Willamette University College of Law, J.D. (1972).
• Consistently performed free or reduced fee legal services, particularly for the Asian Community. Volunteer in treatment and self-help organizations for alcohol/drug addiction (2004 – Present). Donated and belongs to numerous community and charitable organizations.
• I was born in Seattle in 1945. Resided and worked my entire life in the Greater Seattle area, growing up on Capitol Hill. I answered the call of duty to my country in 1968, in the middle of my legal education, serving honorably as a combat infantry soldier in the Vietnam War for 16 months (1969-1970). I was awarded numerous combat medals for courage and distinguished service: Bronze Star, 4 Air Medals, Army Commendation Medal. Upon return from the war, I completed my legal education at Willamette University in Oregon and began my legal career at a prestigious downtown Seattle law firm in 1972. Performed 42 years of successful law practice in all state and federal courts and supported the growth and vitalization of the city of Seattle.
Q: If elected, what is your top priority?
Honesty – Integrity – Transparency
As an Independent candidate for Congress I am not committed to any Political Party. A Representative should not be beholden to any special interests or affiliations promoting partisan agendas. I pledge to be an independent leader working for the best interests of each resident my District, regardless of his/her political agenda, ethnicity, race or sexual orientation. I am committed to civil liberties and pledge to be impartial, unbiased and independent in my judgment to serve my District. I will listen and work respectfully with my constituents to promote their best interests with integrity and absolute transparency.
Q: What motivated you to run for this position? What do you want to see change?
My interest in politics and community service. I am not satisfied with the performance of incumbent who has served for 26 years, without achieving significant results for the District. This election will mark his 14th term as Representative. It is time for retirement and a change.
Q: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this position?
Partisan politics don’t produce effective leadership in Congress. I do not intend to solicit donations, endorsements or money from any persons, partisan organizations or groups promoting any special interest. We need to work together to stop the needless divisiveness, animosity, and selfish partisanship that causes gridlock and stymies the economic and social growth of our great nation. Let’s work together with a renewed grand vision to restore “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all Americans.
Q: How can people contact you if they want more information?
Craig Keller
Prefers: Republican Party
I have been a huge supporter of the independent citizen voice through citizens initiatives; statewide and locally. I am co-founder of www.RespectWashington.us under which I have sponsored the statewide E-verify citizens’ initiative every year since 2008.
I am also co-founder of www.SaveOurChoice.us under which I have sponsored the 2011 Seattle referendum and 2013 Issaquah initiative intended to win citizens votes against grocery bag bans. Most recently I sponsored one of the Seattle referendums intended to win citizens a vote against a forced minimum wage regulation that will destroy family businesses, squeeze fixed-income retirees and obliterate job opportunities for our youth. I am a past PTA co-president.
Q: If elected, what is your top priority?
My top priority and promise to the voters is Congressional enactment of E-verify participation for all employers. That achievement would simply fulfil the intent of the 1986 Amnesty law and its employment eligibility verification Form I-9. E-verify is the taxpayer-funded Form I-9 online confirmation program in which honest employers (i.e. Boeing, Zumiez) already participate but which must achieve universal participation if we are to halt the rampant Social Security Number theft that enables illegal employment.
Q: What motivated you to run for this position? What do you want to see change?
The immigration lies and the lying liars who tell them motivated me to offer myself as the voter’s alternative to those liars. We can no longer endure the deceit of politicians whose palms are greased through deliberate non-enforcement of employment law. The cost of illegal employment to Washington taxpayers is $2.7 Billion annually and we cannot reasonably afford improved investments in education, parks, healthcare and transportation until that is addressed. Additionally, not one neighborhood has escaped the scourge of illegal alien drug cartels and crime.
Q: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this position?
I will serve the individual resident (legal immigrant or citizen) of the 7th CD best because I will fiercely defend their individual, Constitutional rights against elected politicians who increasingly see us as marks to finance their utopian delusions. The self-servers include career politicians and business profiteers like, for example, the grocery chains who actually promote bag bans to skim more coins from our pockets. I am the voter’s best choice in Congress because I will be her and his “BS” detector, especially when uttered by Republican leadership.
Q: How can people contact you if they want more information?
— Compiled by Caitlin Plummer
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