ARTSplash, an annual art show put on by ArtistsConnect, kicked off the weekend with a reception at ArtWorks in downtown Edmonds, and Larry Vogel was there to capture photos and a video interview with Samantha Saether from My Edmonds News TV, here. ArtistsConnect is an affiliate of the Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation.
The show features original artwork with many items for sale. Artworks is located at 201 2nd Ave. S. The show will be open from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
Thank you Larry AND for the fabulous coverage of ARTSplash – which is an ANNUAL event (to correct the first photo caption) presented by ArtistsConnect, a local group of artists that meet MONTHLY on the 4th Saturday 10am at ArtWorks, 2nd and Dayton. ArtistsConnect is free to join, open to ALL area artists, any medium, any level or experience, any age.