We are continuing our efforts to feature one business each day from the Five Corners neighborhood, where merchants have been impacted by a perfect storm of factors: traffic congestion related to the roundabout construction that began in mid-May, and closure in early May of the Vision Quest fitness facility. We encourage you to patronize these merchants.
Magic Nails
8410 Main Street #B
Edmonds, WA 98026
What this business offers: Nail care, pedicures and manicures, artificial nails, waxing and hair removal, and relaxing or cleaning facials
How they’ve been impacted in recent weeks: “They (construction crew) work early in the morning to 5 or 5:30 p.m., and we close at 7 p.m., so we only have an hour and a half of business,” says Manager Heather Vo.
To see other Five Corners businesses featured so far, visit the Shop Five Corners page.
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