One of the most impressive performances by a promising young artist will take place on Aug. 12 in Seattle’s Pioneer Square Occidental Park. The event is free and open to the public.
Usually “Artfully Edmonds” does not travel so far from the Edmonds vicinity as downtown Seattle with its mentions. But this performance is by an Edmonds-area musical prodigy with so much international-star power potential that it is well worth the mention – and your attention.
At noon this Tuesday Denná Good-Mojab, of Lynnwood, will take the stage as the 2014 Grand Prize Winner of the KING 98.1 FM and Seattle Chamber Music Society’s Young Artist Award Competition. She is one of three young musicians who won the Classical KING FM Young Artist Awards competition for 16- to 20-year-olds.
Everything about 17-year-old Good-Mojab is exceptional; from her entry into college at the age of 11, to her performance with the Portland Opera at age 15. Good-Mojab sang in Seattle Opera’s “Turandot” in 2012. She began working on her high school curriculum when most children are entering junior high, and then finished in 18 months.
When her parents, Ezzie Mojab and Cynthia Good Mojab, considered the next step after high school for their daughter, the University of Washington’s Music Department seemed the best fit in fostering the music potential of the young star. Ultimately Good-Mojab studied under Thomas Harper, opera tenor and voice teacher while at the University of Washington. She graduated with a Bachelor of Music in Voice. Her scholarships included the Greg Timmers Art Education Scholarship by the Mensa Foundation.
She was also recently awarded the Monika Meyers Clowes Memorial Award by James Ehnes of the Seattle Chamber Music Society, which included a performance at their 2014 Summer Festival.
Good-Mojab was selected to sing the Star Spangled Banner during the June 14 commencement ceremonies at Husky stadium, where more than 45,000 were in attendance.
Currently the young star is working as an intern in the Seattle Opera’s Education Department. Her work for the Seattle Opera includes researching schools for their educational programming and assisting with the summer opera workshop, “Dido and Aeneas Ensemble,” including serving as a diction coach.
You can follow Good-Mojab’s sparkling career on her Facebook page.
The KING FM Young Artist Awards supports emerging young musicians each year in partnership with Seattle Chamber Music Society and provides opportunities for winners to perform in our community.
Free chamber music concerts are presented every other Tuesday afternoon in Occidental Park, Pioneer Square through September 23 by Classical KING FM 98.1 in partnership with the City of Seattle’s Office of Arts and Culture, ARTSparks. Concerts feature a variety of young local musicians in string duos, quartets or trios. You can find more information here.
— By Emily Hill
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