In a quiet Edmonds neighborhood, entrepreneurial sisters Shelby, Lorelei and Georgia keep alive the great American tradition of kids selling lemonade in summertime from a classic roadside stand. The cost is 25 cents per cup.
As recently as last month, the girls did business using a more modern-looking table with folding legs. That was before a woman in a car stopped to tell Georgia, “I don’t want any lemonade, but do you want a lemonade stand on wheels?”
Five minutes after Georgia said “Yes,” the yellow and white stand with playfully arranged letters above the counter belonged to the three sisters.
Georgia, who occupies the top managerial position, says she operates the stand “mostly every day” in summer at the corner of 8th Avenue and 13 Way.
Sometimes, customers are offered popcorn along with the lemonade.
Asked what the most profitable business day brought in this summer, Georgia says, “About $40.”
The sisters will be moving to the East Coast soon, so they won’t be selling lemonade next year, at least not in Edmonds.
The girls’ grandmother, Eileen, thinks the business might be transplanted back East. “It’s so cool,” she says, referring to the lemonade stand, “that I don’t think the girls will give it away.”
— Story and photo by Eric Brotman
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