Add yet another honor to the list for the Pacific Little League All-Stars who just returned from the Little League World Series. On Wednesday, Aug. 27, the team was recognized with a Snohomish County Council resolution “for bringing the community together with their successful season and for demostrating the character and courage emphasized by the Pacific Little League.
“What I really admire about the Pacific Little League and this team is how much they emphasize good sportsmanship and trying your hardest,” said County Councilmember Stephanie Wright, a Lynnwood resident. “They’ve lead by such great example and it’s been wonderful for the whole community to watch them progress.”
Attending players Ian Michael, Matthew Turcotte and Robley Corsi III took turns introducing themselves to the audience and stating their position on the field. “We wanted to say thank you and congratulations,” Wright said. “I know your success came with a lot of practices, a lot of hard work and dedication from the players, staff, and families, but this is only the beginning. We can’t wait to see what you do next.”
The players presented the council with Little League World Series caps as they gathered for photos. When the boys thought enough photos had been taken, one grabbed the gavel and brought the council back into session.
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