Aftermath of Friday night car crash on Main Street

Roadway markings were made Saturday afternoon as part of the Edmonds police investigation into a car crash that occurred around 10 p.m. Friday on Main Street. Fire District 1 spokeswoman Leslie Hynes confirmed that one passenger had to be extricated, and was taken to Harborview Medical Center. We’ll provide more information as it becomes available. (Photos by Larry Vogel)
Edmonds police Saturday were out gathering evidence as part of their investigation into a  car crash that occurred at 10 p.m. on Main Street. Fire District 1 spokeswoman Leslie Hines confirmed that  one passenger had to be extradited, and was taken to Harborview Medical Center, but she didn't have additional details. We'll provide more information as it becomes available. (Photos by Larry Vogel)
The accident took out a bus sign.
  1. I used to live right there and once we had a car come around the corner from Olympic Ave and flip over into my parents front yard…many many years ago and I was home from school that day…

  2. Too bad the crosswalk isn’t well painted…that money was used to “leverage” the state project at 104th and City park rather than in the neighborhoods like ours and the paint equipment was busy re -striping Sunset. I drive that street daily. This kind of thing is what “leveraging” really looks like.

  3. The corner of Main and Olympic is very dark at night. It needs better lighting. In the daytime cars coming very fast down the hill rarely pay attention to pedestrians trying to cross the street in the crosswalk. People cross there to go to Yost Park to walk.

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