Scene in Edmonds: Ribbon cut for Five Corners Roundabout

With the roundabout serving as a backdrop, City of Edmonds Phil Williams thanks all those who helped make the roundabout a reality. (Photo by Larry Vogel)
With the roundabout serving as a backdrop, City of Edmonds Phil Williams thanks all those who helped make the project a reality. (Photo by Larry Vogel)
Calvary Pastor xxxx thanks the City of Edmonds for a job well done.
Calvary Church Pastor Scott Vincent thanks the City of Edmonds for a job well done. (Photo by Larry Vogel)

You can watch the video on My Edmonds News TV here.

Neighbors, art lovers, elected officials, construction workers and contractors all gathered in the bright sun in the Five Corners neighborhood Friday afternoon to dedicate Edmonds’ newest landmark — the Five Corners Roundabout.

“I don’t think it could have gone any better, and I don’t say that very often,” Public Works Director Phil Williams told the group of about 75 gathered to celebrate the project. Not only will the roundabout reduce traffic delays by 90 percent, it will lessen the city’s carbon footprint by reducing the amount of stop-and-go traffic, Williams said.

Calvary Chapel, which was directly next to the construction for the duration of the five-month project, hosted the groundbreaking festivities to thank the city for a job well done, Pastor Scott Vincent told the crowd.

“It’s been a joy to work with the City of Edmonds,” Vincent said. “The traffic is flowing amazingly well. The improvements of just the general appearance in the intersection makes this a place where the community can gather, where people will live and businesses will thrive, and it’s going to be pretty exciting.”

Cutting the ribbon, from left, City Councilmembers Adrienne Fraley-Monillas and Tom Mesaros, Mayor Dave Earling, Councilmember Kristiana Johnson and Pete Mills, Congressman Jim McDermott's Director of Natural Resources Issues.
Cutting the ribbon, from left, City Councilmembers Adrienne Fraley-Monillas and Tom Mesaros, Mayor Dave Earling, Councilmember Kristiana Johnson and Pete Mills, Congressman Jim McDermott’s Director of Natural Resources Issues. (Photo by Larry Vogel)

Mayor Dave Earling acknowledged both the surrounding Five Corners businesses and the neighbors for their patience during the roundabout construction, and said he appreciates the enthusiasm that many have shown for the finished project — especially those who at first were doubtful about it.

“I just like it — it’s really cool,” Earling said.

A bird's eye view of the roundabout. (Photo by Larry Vogel)
A bird’s eye view of the completed roundabout. (Photo by Larry Vogel)
The crowd gathers before the ceremony. (Photo by Ken Sjodin)
The crowd gathers before the ceremony. (Photo by Ken Sjodin)

Edmonds Arts and Cultural Services Manager Frances Chapin talked about the artwork chosen to serve as the roundabout’s center, “Drawn to the Water – Connected by Community,” by CJ Rench, which gleamed in the mid-afternoon sun. The five-piece sculpture stands 13 feet tall, and the columns are illuminated at night, “representing Edmonds’ bright future and its tie to water,” Chapin said.

After the speeches, the ribbon was officially cut by elected officials, and then City of Edmonds employees and contractors posed for photo ops to celebrate the project’s completion.

City staff and contractors celebrate.
City staff and contractors celebrate. (Photo by Larry Vogel)
  1. Thank you……

    …..Council members Mesaros, Peterson, Buchshnis and Johnson for taking action to move this project forward by voting on April 15, 2014 of this year to accept the bid from Marshbank Construction.

    …..Mayor Earling for your continued support.

    …..Phil Williams, Francis Chapin, and Public Works staff for a job well done, and

    …..Calvary Church for hosting the groundbreaking festivities.

    The Five Corners Roundabout is a great example of roundabouts being known not only for improving safety and traffic efficiencies, but also for enhancing the overall beauty of intersections. I’ve heard from a few friends once opposed to the project now expressing support after using this intersection.

  2. This roundabout is fabulous. Easily merging onto the roundabout and driving to the next road is a huge time saver. (And when more people get used to the fact if no cars coming or if the cars are not coming your way, you don’t have to come to a full stop anymore, it will be even smoother.). Job well done to the contractors and flaggers during construction, too!

  3. Having lived in Edmonds almost my entire life and attending St Matthew Lutheran Church now known as Calvary Chapel I was one of the doubters of the round-about project but now that it is completed and traffic seems to flow smoothly and no longer the congestion of years past I have reversed my former thoughts and think it is a positive improvement and has added a distinctive touch!

  4. I apologized to the Mayor yesterday at the Ribbon cutting. I have lived and owned businesses at 5 Corners for 30 years. I thought it was a waste of money and time. I was wrong, so love the look and it makes 5 Corners part of the bigger beautiful picture for Edmonds. Taking back my bad thoughts and words. Thank you Edmonds.

  5. Where are the bicycle lanes?

    I ride my bike all the time, went through the roundabout, and almost got side-swiped by 3 cars. We bicyclists need our own lane in the roundabout.

    1. Mohammed,

      over the years of bike riding, i’ve learned…

      sometimes, you just have to be sure to fill the full car lane!

      then, as soon as possible, get out of the way, and graciously let the motorists pass

      if they see you making an attempt to move faster, and get out their way as soon as it is safe, very few are the drivers that will complain, or see you as a target…

      it’s unfortunate you and the bike clubs didn’t get in there during the initial design stages…

    2. Sir, you should be taking the lane. There should not be space for a car to travel beside you in a one-lane modern roundabout. Bike lanes in roundabouts have safety issues.
      The best modern roundabout design for cyclists provides two choices. The more confident cyclist should merge with through traffic and circulate like a motorist. This is made easier by the low-speed operational environment of the modern roundabout, which should not exceed 20 mph (30 kph).
      The less confident cyclist should be provided a ramp to exit the street and use a shared use path around the roundabout. Such paths are at least ten feet wide (4 m) and cyclist operate at low speeds, crossing at the pedestrian crossings. Sometimes space constraints, as with other intersection types, limit ideal design.

      Bikes in roundabouts videos:
      Clearwater Beach, Florida:
      La Jolla, California :
      Bend, Oregon:
      New York DOT:

      In other countries, separate cycle tracks are common and here’s a video of how they work at modern roundabouts .

  6. I have a business at 5 Corners,and was directly impacted by the construction.I was also not a proponent of this project.
    However,I stand corrected as a reader wrote ” a gateway” to Edmonds-its an improvement both aesthetically,and functionally,and traffic appears to flow more smoothly. Thank you to all concerned,and a special Thank you to Russ, our flagger who went out of his way to help my business,and others,minimize the impact of the construction process.

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