Edmonds School District looking to expand suicide prevention program in middle, high schools

Edmonds School DistrictThe Edmonds School District is looking to expand the implementation of a suicide prevention program called Signs of Suicide (SOS) to all of its middle and high schools.

The program, piloted at Alderwood Middle School in 2013-14, combines classroom content instruction aligned with state standards, identification of at-risk students and counseling intervention. The School Psychologist Professional Organization recommends the program.

In a report to the Board of Directors on Tuesday, District staff indicated that the program was well-received by school staff and parents at Alderwood and that other schools have expressed interested in the program.

In the pilot program, all school staff were trained about the SOS program and how to deal with students who approach them for help. Information was sent to parents about the program and they were given an option to opt-out of it.

Every student completed a screening form and counseling staff responded to requests within 24 hours. A key component of the program is the students are encouraged to tell a staff member or a trusted adult if they become aware of someone experiencing serious problems.

District staff shared information about the program with staff at middle and high schools in December. Meadowdale Middle and Mountlake Terrace High Schools have expressed interest in bringing SOS, which is considered a supplemental and not a core program, to their schools. Mountlake Terrace experienced four suicide attempts among its freshman class last fall, District staff said.

In other business:

– The Board gave its approval for the District to go ahead and refinance or refund (term used for school bonds) its 2009 bonds. The current interest rate for bonds is 2.8 percent vs. the 5 percent in 2009. The refinancing savings will amount to about $1.4 million or $1.1 million in present day value. The savings will result in reduced property taxes for residents.

– The District will be using its own staff to help prepare the data display to the public for the Strategic Direction Indicators. District staff will create traditional charts/graphs similar to what is used to the annual state assessment Board report. These will be complied into an electric PDF of which some data will be printed and distributed to the public with all data available on the District’s website.

District staff presented other options to the Board that included hiring outside firms, but given the cost and this is the first year of the Strategic Direction Initiative, the Board opted for the in-house option.

– The District is updating its School Improvement Process with one of the major overriding goals to have it clearly align with the Strategic Direction. The State requires that each school district develop a plan based on a self-review of the school program for the purpose of annual building approval by the District. The self-review is to include input by building staff, students, parents and community members.

Some of the feedback received includes the desire that a plan provide a common focus for the school. There also is a preference to have a holistic plan as opposed to calling out reading and math separately and to have more time and collaborative opportunities to review, refine and reflect on plans.

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