I’ve had the opportunity to observe and work with Dave Teitzel since January when he began the long and difficult process of running for Edmonds City Council position # 5 and I’m convinced he’s the right person for the job.
Dave is dedicated, qualified and a quick study. Most of all he’s a long time Edmonds resident who’s been active and volunteering in the community for decades.
Dave has the time and energy to devote to our city. He’s taken the time to meet with many people and organizations and city personnel to better understand their needs and concerns. Because of that he understands the challenges Edmonds faces like a budget deficit in a few short years that needs to be addressed today. His budgeting and public policy background will be a great benefit in helping us work through those and other current issues.
Dave’s opponent is a young “sister” (Black woman, not nun!) I would love to support down the line as she orients herself to her new home. For me, now is not the time to vote solely on race and gender.
Please join me in voting for Dave Teitzel for Edmonds City Council Pos. 5
Karen Shiveley
How about never voting just because of race and gender? I vote for the person who I think will do the best job.
Really a “young sister”? Says a lot all by itself. Geeze. She’s been here long enough to be eligible to run for office and appeared well “oriented “to me. So much for “be inclusive”.
What do Ms Crank’s race, gender, age have to do with anything? That was my point. Why point it out? Her views and experiences matter as do her positions on the issues that face Edmonds.
I hope no one “joins you” based on what you share here. Why is Ms. Crank’s color, gender, or age being promoted as liabilities. Apparently, the only thing you know about her are those superficial facts, which might lead a reader to wonder if you are racist, mysogynistic, and ageist. It certainly seems like you are asking others to vote with their eyes, not their brains…
I think I would have more respect for your opinion, if you were able to state actual candidate qualifications, which would indicate you had done your homework regarding Ms. Crank. Apparently you only know that she is black, a woman, and younger than you… Shame on you for your lack of political integrity.
I think all Karen, who is African American and very inclusive, is just trying to reach some who might automatically check the ballot for Dave Teitzel’s opponent because she is a woman (women have about a 3 point advantage just for being a woman) and because diversity on the Council would be welcomed. Karen made it clear that experience and time invested in the community are the differences she’s assessing in the candidates.
This election is not about race or gender. Alicia Crank wants to bring new perspective to the council. Dave Teitzel represents the same old narrow perspective of the Edmonds old boys network (e.g. Wambolt, Earling et al.). In Ms. Crank, Edmonds has the chance to elect a bright, intelligent, passionate critical thinker who will look at issues from a different perspective. If her election happens to add a little diversity to the council, so be it.
And why, Terry, do you think that Dave Teitzel will not bring that same perspective to the Council? Do you believe he has a “narrow perspective” because he’s an “old boy”? Dave is also bright, intelligent, passionate, embraces critical thinking and is able to look at issues from a different perspective. And you are absolutely correct–race and gender have absolutely nothing to do with this.
May the best, most empassioned, and most connected candidate win.
Perhaps it is because he has communicated the same perspective as many of those who have previously served on the council vs. a new perspective with a willingness to look at things differently.
“and most connected candidate”……….wow!……usually, in my mind, historically, “most connected” does have to do with the ol’ boys club and of course also, Citizen United
We live in a democracy and usually that means we do not buy democracy…….something along those lines from our Honorable Suprme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and I agree
…….democracy should not happen for the wealthiest only ……..I think that is called plutocracy or oligarthy…..anyway, we get it…..government for the few or one percent and ta hell withe everybody else such as particularly in this great country of wealth, the 1 in 4 children living beneath the poverty level
This country stands for NOT buying democracy…..and change is coming in regards to the ol’ boys club in
I am proud to stand with the 32 Legislative District Democrats and their endorsement of Alisha Crank for Edmonds City Council. She brings an important vision of a caring, responsible and inclusive city council. Her values are grounded in the golden rule for every generation in our city, including our elders at the senior center and the newborns at Swedish Hospital and all of us in between. Alisha Crank brings maturity and wisdom to public policy decisions and it does not get much better than that.
This was a quality letter of support for a very solid candidate, until the absolutely bizarre 4th paragraph:
“Dave’s opponent is a young “sister” (Black woman, not nun!) I would love to support down the line as she orients herself to her new home. For me, now is not the time to vote solely on race and gender.”
This short paragraph concerns and alarms me. Where on earth did this concept come from that “now is not the time to vote solely on race and gender”? Why would anybody think this way and throw out the concept that Edmonds voters are going to vote solely on race and gender? Good grief – would it ever be “the time” to vote solely on race and gender? I believe people will vote for Alicia Crank because of the many qualities she has to offer. Where did the idea come from that a vote for Alicia Crank would be based “solely on race and gender”?
What is going on in this City?
Yes, let’s make sure we have an all white Edmonds City Council again, and segregated neighborhoods and all that goes along with that. …….
Can we please not vote on race and gender/cronyism that seems to be a standard in this city from what I have seen or we would not have a lack of diversity in our community and an understanding of what it means to live in a diverse community that includes all citizens with no regards to race, gender, economic levels, religious beliefs, etc. And we also do not need people of color to fulfill this just for looks, as this county may have or appear to have in other areas. We need intelligence and honesty and Alicia Crank has those qualities.
I have met Ms. Crank and listened to her and believe she would have much to bring to our city, including brand new perspectives and intelligence from the great state of California, the EIGHTH LARGEST Economy in the world, I believe and I’m certain she has learned much about having a reference for the environment in California as seen by California environmental labels on many, many products, in US. California also believes in taking care of all of its citizens. With all due respect to Mr. Teitzel being in the community for many years, I believe this city needs new ideas and new leadership all around with the exception of at least one Council member, including people that are not in the thick of things regarding the process of our government, the old boys/girls club and neglecting to follow our written laws, codes, regulations, etc which hinders us from moving forward and being on the map.
The reference to the “young sister” is truly shocking and says everything to me regarding Mr. Teitzel.
Vote for Ms. Crank and let’s move into a new future with big ideas. I believe Ms. Crank is a new idea person, and that means everything for moving forward.
Let’s all remember that golden rule for everyone which Ms. Crank believes in.
I realize the “young sister” comment is not a comment from Mr. Teizel himself….I apologize if my words made it seem so…..an error on my part
Yes, let’s call out the big ol’ boys and some of the ol’ girls club by name…..just to be clear, which I think most have figured easily out by now.
…….how things really work here.
How ’bout lets place ALICIA CRANK for Mayor and ta hel-… with that ol’ boys club…. feed two birds with one fine morsel.
Alicia Crank for Mayor…….we could do a write in. Alicia Crank for Mayor It could be easy and a total change.
Someone who truly believes in the Golden Rule for all. Yes, doesnt get any better than this.
Marlayn Chase, Tere Ryder, Ken Riedy-
Since you think that Alicia Crank is the best candidate for Edmonds City Council and belives in”the golden rule” she be accountable for her actions!
Alicia has not followed the Washington State Public Disclosure Laws since she has filled for the Edmonds City Council position and not reported her expenditure for election signs and her web site or any other expenses as required “Buy Law” as of today at at 10:00AM.
Check the PDC website at the State of WA for yourself. Dave has followed every rule on reporting.
Is this the type of person we want making hard and critical decisions for the citizens and the future of Edmonds!
Maybe your efforts in supporting Alica Crank should be used in helping her follow the laws of the State of Washington first!
Fred Gouge
Port of Edmonds Commissioner Dist #1
Dear Port Commissioner Fred Gouge,
Please identify where I said I think Alicia Crank is the best candidate for Edmonds City Council. I said no such thing – so please correct your false statement.
I am very appreciative that both Dave Teitzel and Alicia Crank are willing to serve our citizens as Council members. I think they both have much to offer. Earlier today I spoke to another Edmonds Citizen on the phone and praised Dave Teitzel at a very high level. You are very ignorant and misguided in your thoughts and I don’t appreciate you spreading falsehoods about what I think.
My post was short and easy to understand. It probably can be read in less than a minute and I clearly remarked that Dave Teitzel is a very solid candidate right at the start of my post. I also stated that I believe people will vote for Alicia Crank because of the many qualities she has to offer. Again, I am thankful that both Dave Teitzel and Alicia Crank are willing to serve as City Council members.
I believe if a candidate has under a certain amount in donations for their campaign, it does not have to be reported………not sure if it is $1,000 or $5,000
and you know with honest people sometimes honest mistakes happen honestly
Yes, this IS the person we want to ask the hard questions and implement lawful, honest policy and government…..I dont think I need any help from you Mr. Gouge of the Port in Edmonds with any of my efforts……
thank you very much…..Elvis has left the room
Vote for Alicia Crank
Dear Mr. Gouge,
You are correct that I haven’t done some of my reporting in a timely manner. I have found myself dealing with a progressive illness over the past couple of months, including hospitalization.
This has impacted several work-related and personal responsibilities, including those related to campaigning. I have been in communication about this with the PDC and have made the necessary arrangements to have all of my reporting brought current.
Should you or anyone have any further inquiries about the status of my reporting, you are free to contact me directly at aliciainedmonds@gmail.com.
I hope you are doing better and wish you well!
Having said that your supporters should be helping you in time of need. As an elected officials, Commisioner of the Port of Edmonds, i too have had issues over my term as an elected offical by the citizens of Edmonds & Woodway. This however has not stopped me from following the law. I took the oath office for following the State of WA RCW and the Constitution of the United States, no excuses, the buck stops with me.
Running for a public position takes much responsibility, and the following of the law is upmost. Tranaparency is of the upmost importance as your supporters in my edmonds news keep harping on.
The Edmonds voters are looking forward to your PDC expense records, as required by law.
Again i wish you well in health and life.
Fred Gouge
Port of Edmonds Commisioner
Please feel better soon Alicia! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Mr. Gouge;
By Ms Crank’s speedy and honest answer to a question not put directly to her but in this forum to make political noise about her as a candidate, my answer at least is YES she is exactly the type of person I want making hard and critical decisions for the citizens and future of Edmonds. Absolutely.
Seeing Mr. Gouge and his response regarding an unanticipated illness and him using this public forum to hit a person while they are down says everything about one of the people running our port.
I believe this is often how govt. officials are here in Edmonds….only take care of their own and denigrate many others
As I have said many times, its time for Edmonds to move into a new future and move the 1950s like ol’ boys /girls club aside and revitalize the heart and the spirit of Edmonds, this GEM by the sea…….formerly known by young people as “deadmonds”….
.lets change that totally now and move forward
I also met with Alicia Crank to discuss her tag line “fresh vision” and her comments about Edmonds being similar to Mountain View. She is full of great ideas and was full of energy. I think she will be great for Edmonds. However, because she strongly feels Edmonds is similar to Mountain View I suggested she learn more about how Edmonds became what it is today and where the current plans are headed. Even though she greatly impressed me I still think she’s comparing us to the wrong city and therefore her fresh vision might not be on track. Google’s impact on Mountain View massive and there is nothing here that can compare.
Given the health issues that sound very serious I hope she drops out to get well and come back stronger and more informed on our community. I look forward to endorsing her in the future. (full disclosure, I’m from California in Edmonds about 10yrs and never ever want to go back).