Monday, Oct. 12
7:30 p.m.
One Night Only!
Edmonds Heights K-12 (EHK12)
23200 100th Ave. W.
Ballyhoo Theatre is excited to introduce “Bend” to the community and extends the following invitation for this exclusive one-night-only production:
“Please join us for ‘Bend,’ an evening filled with your favorite songs presented like you’ve never heard them before,” invites director Shileah Corey.
“Unlike a typical ‘miscast’ cabaret, we are reinterpreting and revisiting the music that has made us laugh and made us cry, therefore ‘BENDing’ the songs,” Corey tells My Edmonds News.
“Bend” features a combined cast of students and alumni that includes current EHK12 students Delaney Guyer, Erin Hyatt, Alia Thomaier and Eli Lotz; and current Ballyhoo students Erich Schleck and Ben Broughton. The production also includes EHK12 alumni Tyler Good, Lauren Ruhl and Vivien Gabor.
Corey reminds the community that, “Although our venue is Edmonds Heights K12, ‘Bend’ is a Ballyhoo Theatre production and is not affiliated with EHK-12.
Considering the Ballyhoo Theatre motto of “bal·ly·hoo – To arouse interest in entertainment; flamboyant displays and excited commotion,” Artfully Edmonds and My Edmonds News predicts a rousing, rollicking evening that will be fun for the whole family. So gather the kids and head to Edmonds Heights K12 on Monday, Oct. 12.
Ticket sales will support the Ballyhoo Theatre’s efforts in raising funds to send students to the 2016 National Thespian festival. Tickets are $10 at the door.
For additional information, or to help support the efforts toward attending the 2016 National Thespian Festival, contact Shileah Corey at
— By Emily Hill
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