Edmonds City Council agenda for Tuesday: Closed record review of Perrinville rezone, contract for rail crossing waterfront analysis

The Edmonds City Council will meet Tuesday, Oct. 20, with the following items on the agenda:

    • Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month ~ YWCA Week without Violence.
    • Closed record review and action on the Planning Board’s recommendation to approve an application by RDJ Group LLC to rezone the eastern portion of three existing single-family lots at 16404 and 16414 75th Pl. W and 16420 76th Ave. W from Single-Family Residential, RS-20, to Single-Family Residential, RS-12.
    • Authorization for the Mayor to sign a professional services consultant agreement with Tetra Tech for the Edmonds Waterfront Analysis project.
    • Presentation of Edmonds Downtown Alliance 2016 work plan and budget.
    • Discussion regarding the 2016 proposed city budget. Here’s the schedule for staff presentations and other key dates for budget adoption:

Oct. 20:
1. Police Dept; 2. City Clerk; 3. Mayor’s Office; 4. Council; 5. Finance & Information Services; and 6. Nondepartmental.

Oct. 27:
1. Economic Development; 2. Development Services; 3. Parks; 4. Human Resources; and 5. Municipal Court.

Nov. 2:  Public Works

Nov. 10:  Revenues sources and public comment.

Nov. 17:  Public hearing and potential adoption of the 2016 Budget and public comment.

Nov. 24: Public hearing and potential adoption of the 2016 Budget (if necessary)

Dec. 12: Public hearing and potential adoption of the 2016 Budget (if necessary)

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the council chambers, 250 5th Ave. N. You can see the complete agenda here.

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