The Community Transit Board of Directors will hold a public hearing on the agency’s proposed 2016 budget at its regular monthly meeting this 3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 5 in the Community Transit Board Room, 7100 Hardeson Road, Everett.
According to a Commmunity Transit announcement, the agency has proposed a “status quo” budget that funds service at current levels next year. A ballot measure to increase funding for Community Transit service appeared on Tuesday’s general election ballot, and the board will discuss implications of that measure’s results on Thursday as well.
If the ballot measure succeeds, the board may approve the 2016 budget as proposed, then take up a revised budget early in the new year.
The board is expected to approve the 2016 Proposed Budget at its Dec. 3 meeting.
The proposed budget is available for review at Public comment on the proposed budget is being taken through Dec. 2. People can submit comments to or call 425-353-7433.
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