Artfully Edmonds: Music, movies and merry-making

1 santa-letters-
Does your family have lists that need to get to Santa?  Create memories by having your little ones drop off their letters addressed to the North Pole in the bright red mailbox at the corner of 5th Avenue North and Bell Street.

Music, movies and merry-making are the passwords for Edmonds’ holidays.

So many memories are made during this time of year when one lives in a quaint, historic little city such as Edmonds. Years from now, how many grown-ups will look back at their childhood and remember riding the trolley around town with Santa, or posting their wish lists at the North Pole mailbox.

As carolers stroll the sidewalks and the windows of our art galleries and stores glitter with tinsel, you can bet these holidays in Edmonds will be remembered over the decades – as they always have been.

So many individual Edmonds elves work to make everything come together during this season – and this chronological list of events is what they’ve put together to celebrate the season this week.

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2 Good Lovlies
The Good Lovelies

Thursday, Dec. 3
7:30 p.m.
The Good Lovelies ~ Folk Music
Edmonds Center for the Arts (ECA)
410 4th Ave. N.

Folk music at its merriest!

“The Good Lovelies” are one of Canada’s premier folk/country harmony trios. Each member of the trio was a successful artist in her own right before forming the band.

The harmony trio is comprised of Caroline Brooks, Kerri Ough and Sue Passmore, who have received multiple high-profile awards including a Juno and four-time winners at the Canadian Folk Music Awards.

The holiday season is a special anniversary for the three, as their trio was formed after their Christmas concert at the Gladstone Hotel in 2006. They record under the Six Shooter label.

Are you intrigued about why ECA’s Executive Director Joe McIalwain might have sought out “The Good Lovelies” as an addition to the 2015-16 program?

Give a listen to Caroline Brooks and then grab tickets for you and your friends at the ECA online ticket outlet.

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3 Expressing Willie w Melanie jPeg
Melanie Calderwood as Winnie Whitcomb in the production “Expressing Willie” which starts this Friday at The Phoenix Theatre.


Opens This Friday!
Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays at 8 p.m.
Sunday matinees at 2 p.m.

“Expressing Willie” by Rachel Crothers
Directed by Christine Mosere

The Phoenix Theatre
9673 Firdale Ave.

Long Island, NY in the Roaring, Soaring Twenties!

A cleverly written comedy about a young man whose new-found wealth is the stuff of hilarity when contrasted to his humble beginnings.

The setting is 1924 Long Island at a mansion where toothpaste millionaire Willie Smith (played by Dan Jacoby) is putting on airs and celebrating his nouveau riche status among the already-rich-and-famous.

His angst over whether or not he will be accepted into New York society is stretched to the limits when his Texas plain-talking, no-nonsense mother (Melanie Calderwood) arrives along with Minnie Whitcomb, Willie’s fiancé.

Why do we laugh so over the awkward social situations of other’s? Artfully Edmonds can’t answer that question, but we can chant the mantra of The Phoenix – “Comedy without all the drama!”

Phoenix Theatre’s managing director Christine Mosere will be teaming up with Dan Jacoby again on this one after the two took “Expressing Willie” through 281 performances at The West End Theatre in Manhattan’s upper west end several years back.

Guaranteed to be a winner! Grab tickets for “Expressing Willie” at this location.

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4 Driftwood Holiday Duo

Dual Holiday Productions
Thursday/Friday/Saturday 7:30 p.m.
Sunday matinees at 2 p.m.

Driftwood Players
950 Main St.
Sell Out Alert!

“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”
“Timmy Perlmutter’s Extraordinary Hanukkah”

The Wade James Theatre filled to capacity for this double-feature production on Opening Night last week! So we’re posting a “Sell Out Alert” for this dual production. You’ll want to get your tickets early and select the appropriate date for your busy holiday schedule.

Read Artfully Edmonds’ review of the work of director Andrew Coopman. If you are looking for a delightful theatre experience, and family holiday outing – your link to the Driftwood Players online box office is right here.

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5 Dec 13 Driftwood Sing
Driftwood Auditions!


Sunday, Dec. 6 ~ 5-7 p.m. and
 Monday, Dec. 7 ~ 6-7:30 p.m.
 Driftwood Annex
220 Dayton St. 
4th Annual Holiday Sing Along

Three to five singers please!

The Driftwood Players are looking for singers to lead the songs at the theatre’s Holiday Sing Along.

If you love singing carols and holiday songs, and enjoy being on stage, you are invited to audition. You will be a member of the exclusive troupe leading the audience in this festive and fun evening!

For the audition come prepared with a few lines from your favorite carol. OR read/tell a holiday story and maybe we’ll include you in the evening’s festivities.

The Holiday Sing Along will take place on Sunday, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m.

Click on over to the audition sheet .

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6 Cline and Movies
Ed! Edmonds Downtown makes merry with movies!


Friday, Dec 4
4 p.m.

Fun for the whole family!

Edmonds Theatre
415 Main St

Cline Jewelers is the sponsor of “Christmas Classics” in collaboration with Ed! downtown Edmonds Merchants, including classic holiday cartoons from 4-5:15 p.m. and the “Polar Express “at 5:30 p.m.

Questions about this event can be directed to 425-672-9366.

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Christmas Crafters!

Are you a crafter? Well, if crafting is your way to save on holiday gifts and let your creative nature shine through there are a couple of locations in Edmonds who will nurture, teach, and encourage you through your holiday projects.

Friday, Dec. 4
5:30-7:30 p.m.

Alcohol Inks

Urban Scrapbooker
9810 Edmonds Way

“Alcohol ink” – a solvent-based dye for non-porous surfaces like plastic, glass, tiles, metal and glossy-surface paper surfaces on which to design.

You’ve never heard of designing with alcohol ink? This video  explains the process that you can learn Friday morning.

To learn more about classes offered by Urban Scrapbooker follow this link.

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Saturday, Dec. 5
11 a.m.-3 p.m.

String Art Workshop

All Wound Up Yarn Shop

At Perrinville

“String Art is very popular right now!” co-owner Nona reminds us.

You must register over the phone or in person for this workshop. Register early as supplies are limited. For custom string art (finished), contact Nona at

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Saturday, Dec. 5
4-8 p.m.
The Art of the Soirée

ZINC Art + Interiors (ZINC)
3rd Ave. S. and Main Street


At the soireé of the season this Saturday, Gallery owner Laura Zeck will be joined by her friends author A.J. Rathbun and artist Robin Westbrook.

The music! The laughter! Swirls of color, big bold and beautiful!

Sounds mah-velous, doesn’t it? ‘See you there!

As in all Soirées – an RSVP is requested. Stop by the gallery or call 206-467-1027 to let them know you’d be delighted to accept their hospitality on Saturday.

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8 Cole Gallery New_April jPeg

Saturday, Dec. 5
11 a.m.-5 p.m.
It’s a holiday Open House!
Cole Gallery
107 5th Ave. S.

Artists Andy Eccleshall, Ron Stocke, Angela Bandurka plus ceramicist Mary Jane Elgin will be among the artists welcoming you to Cole Gallery’s Annual Holiday Open House on Saturday.

Gallery owner Denise Cole has arranged for an assortment of catered delicacies by Shorecrest High Culinary Arts as fare for the event. “Sip mulled wine or spiced cider and enjoy the gift of art!” she invites.

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9 Gallery North
Sunday, Dec. 6 from 1-4 p.m. Gallery North (401 Main St.) will showcase  “Gifts of the Season” from the studios of 20 of the gallery’s artists. Your video invitation awaits!

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Celebrate the Festival of Light in Lynnwood on Dec. 6.



Sunday, Dec. 6
4:15 p.m.

“Festival of Light”
Public Menorah Lighting

City Hall
19100 44th Ave. W.

The communities of Lynnwood, Edmonds and Mountlake Terrace are invited to the “Festival of Light” and Public Menorah Lighting this Sunday. Welcoming remarks will be made by County Executive-elect Dave Somers and Lynnwood Mayor Nicola Smith.

For additional information about this event, contact the Chabad Jewish Center of Snohomish County at 425-741-9633.

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12 Gothard jPeg

Thursday, Dec. 10
7:30 p.m. 

Christmas with the Gothard Sisters

Edmonds Center for the Arts (ECA)
410 4th Ave. N.

There are a few tickets still available for this special reunion show.

Show organizers have collaborated with the ECA to get great deals on ticket prices for groups of 4 or more. So gather up your friends and family members to get group discounts and you’ll be able to all enjoy the evening together.

It’s family fun – Edmonds’ style when Greta, Willow and Solana come home. The Gothard Sisters box office is at this link.

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Events at Trinity Lutheran Church
6215 196th St. S.W.

Friday, Dec. 11
7:30 p.m.
“Sounds of the Season”
Cantare Vocal Ensemble
Conducted by Mark Adrian

“Sounds of The Season” brings together traditional music arrangements and new contemporary selections of joyous choral music to help ring in the holidays.

Featured works for the evening of December 11 include three selections by Canadian composer Stephen Chatman, “Venite, Adoremus” by Dan Forrest plus Harry Simeone’s “’Twas the Night Before Christmas”.

Completing the program is a selection of pieces from Renaissance polyphony, modern-day close harmony, familiar carols and traditional arrangements.

Many of the program’s pieces are accompanied by the Cantaré Vocal Ensemble chamber orchestra.

Ticket may be purchased at the ensemble’s website  with a ticket-purchase discount available before Dec. 10.

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Saturday, Dec. 12
7:30 p.m.

Sell Out Alert!

Northwest Boychoir at Trinity Lutheran
“A Festival of Lessons & Carols 2015”

The Northwest Boychoir will present its 37th annual “A Festival of Lessons & Carols” with Trinity Lutheran Church as its setting.

The holiday concerts showcases the 90-member combined chorus of the Northwest Boychoir and Vocalpoint! Seattle.

Patterned after the Christmas Eve observance at King’s College in Cambridge, England, “A Festival of Lessons & Carols” has become a holiday tradition for thousands of families in the Puget Sound region.

This classical performance consists of nine holiday readings, each followed by a traditional carol performed by the choir, and another carol sung with the accompaniment of the audience.

Concerts feature reserved seating. Advance tickets are available through the Northwest Choirs at 206-524-3234 or online at

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13 Sno-King jPeg Dec 12
The Sno-King Community Chorale performs their Holiday Magic concert at the ECA on Dec. 12.

Saturday, Dec. 12
3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

“Scrooge, The Musical”
A Concert Version
Edmonds Center for the Arts (ECA)
410 4th Ave. N.

One miser, one night, one miracle!

The Sno-King Chorale presents a new version of an old classic with special touches of music and mystery under the direction of Frank DeMiero.

Your convenient online ticket outlet for this event is here.

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14 Nutcracker jPeg Courtesy OBT
“The Nutcracker” continues its tradition at the ECA.

Discount Alert!

The Nutcracker Suite
Olympic Ballet Theatre
Edmonds Center for the Arts
410 4th Ave. N.

Thursday  Dec. 17 ~ 10 a.m. & noon ~ Abridged performance
Friday        Dec. 18 ~ 7 p.m.
Saturday   Dec. 19 ~ 2 p.m. & 7 p.m.
Sunday      Dec. 20 ~ 5 p.m.

Announcement: Olympia Ballet Theatre is offering 20 percent off discount tickets to their production, “The Nutcracker”. Call the box office at 425.774.7570 to obtain your discounted tickets.

Log in to the OBT ticket box office at this link.

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15 Emily— By Emily Hill

Emily Hill is the author of two novels and a short story collection. She also writes the “Lynnwood Lifestyle” column for Lynnwood Today. Emily is retired from a career in public information and news media relations. If you would like your event listed, or featured, in Artfully Edmonds, Emily invites you to contact her at



  1. It’s wonderful to have so many great events, but let’s not forget the Cascade Symphony Holiday Concerts on Sunday, December 13, and Monday, December 14, at 7:30 PM at the ECA. I know that’s technically the next week, but since so many folks plan their weekends as one unit, I hope that they’ll include one of those nights to hear this fabulous orchestra performing seasonal favorites.

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